
Review Detail of Dragoon725 in Ace combat In Multiverse?!

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Not quite sure if I like how this chapter is going or how the MC is shaping honestly Souleye. Nothing against your style but I kind of wanted the MC to fess up to his sister about what he's truly been up to since I kind of see the MC is slowly but surely losing his way and becoming a social psychopath in a way that has a very similar trait to many gamer fic MC's and was kind of hoping that the MC's sister would be a calming person to bring him down from the power high he's on right now. I mean, the fact that's he's basically shrugging his shoulders at the fact that he's worsening tensions so badly that his Earth is nearing WW3 and the fact that he doesn't really give a damn is a perfect reason for his sister to be worrying about his personality as the fact that's he's not accepting responsibility for his actions doesn't say much for a healthy mindset. Honestly speaking, I was kind of hoping that his sister Elana would become a Support Player in his missions, taking control of EWACS(since right now, the MC doesn't have a dedicated EWACS) and being able to utilize things like Leader Powers and so along with being able to control UAV's Drones since I kind of see Elana as a more strategist to the MC's 'brute force and jump into a battle without thinking' mindset. Its also meant to really give Elana some actual discipline over his brother who's quite literally just flying at seat of his pants and not bothering to even use his head so he doesn't get himself into situations where he eithers escalate a problem or be the one who cause said problem in the first place.

Ace combat In Multiverse?!


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