
Review Detail of Dragoon725 in Ace combat In Multiverse?!

Détail de l’examen


The story is alright though I'm not quite sure I like how the character is shaping up as he's extremely careless and reckless I find as what person thinks its a good idea of showing weapons of mass destruction in real life Earth especially when he should've learned his lesson when you consider the TSF reaction to his Ace Combat planes, he surely is going to cause a ruckus on regular Earth and that's not to think about what his sister is going to think of him once it gets out that he caused an incident that cause the lives of both military civilian when it shouldn't have been an incident in the first place.

Ace combat In Multiverse?!


Aimé par 4 personnes




... that's actually, I never think of that far ahead! good idea! I Will take note of this thanks.