
Review Detail of CruelReality in Demon Slayer: Tranquil

Détail de l’examen


Enjoyable thus far, and has a lot of potential. The author has done a good job of crafting a flawed yet respectable/interesting protagonist. The narrow focus on the MC may stem from inexperience or the author but is not an issue because the fundamental goal of the MC would lead to him being very single minded and not caring for others. Of course this provides some clear room for character growth. Fight scenes are pretty well done, and I can see a clear improvement in the authors writing in later chapters with his descriptions of the perception of the MC of his environment. Grammar and writing style could use a bit of work. For instance putting quotes in quotes and thoughts in single quotes or italics or something. There are also some spelling mistakes but they are not very common. That being said, there is potential here and I have confidence this story will gain traction if the author persists and keeps striving to improve their writing. 7.2/10 as of 15 chapters being out.

Demon Slayer: Tranquil


Aimé par 3 personnes




Thank you for your wonderful review! I'm happy that I am making progress as an Author, more so when you readers are noticing it. I must, and will try to improve further to make every chapter enjoyable. Thank you for reading!


You are very noticeably better in the later chapters. I think you have set things up fairly well in terms of potential character growth of the MC and in showing how he currently views the world. Is he fated to continue on the lone and dark path of an avenger living in the past or will he gradually learn to live his own life? Which does his fate align more with? I’m interested to find out.

Intheattic:Thank you for your wonderful review! I'm happy that I am making progress as an Author, more so when you readers are noticing it. I must, and will try to improve further to make every chapter enjoyable. Thank you for reading!