
Review Detail of fallendao in Pokemon: Radical Redux

Détail de l’examen


No grammar or spelling issues but... Basically a wanna be story of replacing ash and going through his adventures. Sucks because if he mad ash an o.c. and changed a bit more it would be more drawing, Wouldn't be bad but the author stated in the first chapter comments he wanted to be more original so he gave ash his own personal dimension...like another popular pokemon fan fiction 200 chap plus... on top of an unoriginal premise of going through as ash.... lame and unimaginative...

Pokemon: Radical Redux


Aimé par 12 personnes




I understand it was randomized but still doesn't change the fact that is a main premise of a fan fiction on this site. No shade just you said you wanted to be original. Granted you made time not pass in it so it's less useful but still. As for copying, not so much but the reborn as ash is over played in my opinion. Like I said good writing and will be enjoyable to thos fresh to the scene but kinda stale to an old timer like me. Now if instead you made him the son of geovanni and kinda became his own story would been drawing for me personally(could have gone through same cenarioes but feel more real, everyone has in their mind how ash should be from animes.. it like character swapping in movie not bad but jarring. Didn't mean to sound over critical hope you keep it up and sorry so long.


Do you mind telling me which story you are talking about, if there is a story I am accidentally copping I would like to know so I can make sure I can make it different


Also, It was randomized I didn't intentionally give him a Pocket dimension, but the way I randomized what he got, is how it ended up turning out


As for the personal dimension, he must be talking about the 'Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures' fanfic (a fucking good fanfic by the way) Of course, I don't know if you're copying, since I haven't even read your fanfic, I'm just saying what I understood from his review , there are still very few chapters to read in your fanfic, if you decide to drop this fanfic it would be a waste of time to read it, so I'll leave it in the favorites and when it has about 60 chapters I'll try

Katsu39:Do you mind telling me which story you are talking about, if there is a story I am accidentally copping I would like to know so I can make sure I can make it different

Ok thank you for telling me, I haven't read it but I'll start binge-reading it.

as123:As for the personal dimension, he must be talking about the 'Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures' fanfic (a fucking good fanfic by the way) Of course, I don't know if you're copying, since I haven't even read your fanfic, I'm just saying what I understood from his review , there are still very few chapters to read in your fanfic, if you decide to drop this fanfic it would be a waste of time to read it, so I'll leave it in the favorites and when it has about 60 chapters I'll try

To be fair, the majority of novels that are of the Jumpchain genre tend to start with their first world being Pokemon which means: personal dimension etc. Same goes for the old Ryan Colman novels that travelled to the pokemon verse, dimensional storage is a rather classic power up there with being able to 'observe' the stats of those the mc looks at so I wouldn't care too much about 'copying' someone when it's only storage powers or even an internal world or a pet home. (all of which are also extremely common)

Katsu39:Ok thank you for telling me, I haven't read it but I'll start binge-reading it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. It's almost 600 chapter deep.

Katsu39:Ok thank you for telling me, I haven't read it but I'll start binge-reading it.