
Review Detail of LittleImmortalYang in I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced

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I just done reading this book upto 18 chap and i am super entertained and thrilled with all the chaps , i didn't skip chaps as i was really immersed of what was happening , from the 1st scene where Gu Dai has still amnesia , to the time her ex husband pushed her and her head was hit by the fall, and her memory FINALLY come back , and FINALLY to the time where they successfully divorced after all the narcistic remarks of the ex husband i really hate him you see😅 and finally to the time Su Ting was introduced officially in the story and the connection and interaction of him and Gu Dai our FL and i am now currently rooting and shipping for them .. i know i know they treat each other as siblings , don't blame me for that i just really REALLY DONT WANT for Gu Dai and her ex husband to end up together again hehe

I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced

Mountain Springs

Aimé par 8 personnes




they got divorced really not that long .. that's why I like the few chapters because it is not like the other story where they got divorced so longg that your are impatient already in waiting when will they be divorce

Rurijichann:Will it take long before they finalize the divorce?

Will it take long before they finalize the divorce?


Oh that’s great! I’ll give this a shot then! 💕

LittleImmortalYang:they got divorced really not that long .. that's why I like the few chapters because it is not like the other story where they got divorced so longg that your are impatient already in waiting when will they be divorce

Go aheadd..đŸ«ĄâœŠ

Rurijichann:Oh that’s great! I’ll give this a shot then! 💕