
Review Detail of Young_fruit_Smiley in The Vision

Détail de l’examen


5 ⭐ for the idea. . 1 star for the massive word count that lets you post the book with only 3 chapters...

The Vision


Aimé par 75 personnes




Well, it's all over. The chapters now have a very small size, apparently the amount of rating was enough for some kind of author's plan


the thing is by doing that people with (books filled with word count but have only 3 chapters) hoard the rankings but people who actually write 15 ~ 20 chapters don't get the exposure they deserve.... as they can't get to rankings without first filling the limit ... . that's why & furthermore people with 3 chapters later mostly drop the book while hoarding the rankings & others who are actually updating the book never reach the top....

Le contenu a été supprimé

Never thought of it like this.

Young_fruit_Smiley:the thing is by doing that people with (books filled with word count but have only 3 chapters) hoard the rankings but people who actually write 15 ~ 20 chapters don't get the exposure they deserve.... as they can't get to rankings without first filling the limit ... . that's why & furthermore people with 3 chapters later mostly drop the book while hoarding the rankings & others who are actually updating the book never reach the top....

only if people stop using word count to fill the limit .... the books we read will become better & rankings will start making sense 😄🤣😅

mow:Never thought of it like this.

meh like this the only book use that method


i just gonna jude by content


& see it taking the top rankings 😂

Pxzmen:meh like this the only book use that method

that's a good thing ☺️

Pxzmen:i just gonna jude by content

😂 exactly

DaoistCharubdis:Well, it's all over. The chapters now have a very small size, apparently the amount of rating was enough for some kind of author's plan

that makes no sense, the author can write as many chaps as they want and with as many words as they like, how is it a bad thing the books chapters are long this is the most stupid review ever, people who right 1 really big chapter every once in a while put in the exact amount of effort as people who make 1 short chapter a day, so just shut up please. The author never asked for their book to make it to top ten they just wrote cus they can. Its not his fault bigger chapters are more liked than shorter ones, and you can also post a book with how ever many chapters most people actually post 1 chap a day from the very start and you just find them after there is a decent amount you can only get a rating when you reach 15k words though and its more than ok to post big chapters so you can get ranked, this review just lowered the rating of absolutely no reason. Did you even use your brain when you wrote this review? 15 k words in 3 chapters is the same as 15 k in 15 chapters so get over yourself jesus


I’m pretty sure he was talking about word fill chapters. You know, the chapters that are filled with 15k words of nonsense just so the story can be in the rankings? And I have to agree stuff like that is incredibly annoying, you’ll be looking at new stories see one that looks good and then you click on it just to find out that it only has one or two legit chapters.

HighTierHuman:that makes no sense, the author can write as many chaps as they want and with as many words as they like, how is it a bad thing the books chapters are long this is the most stupid review ever, people who right 1 really big chapter every once in a while put in the exact amount of effort as people who make 1 short chapter a day, so just shut up please. The author never asked for their book to make it to top ten they just wrote cus they can. Its not his fault bigger chapters are more liked than shorter ones, and you can also post a book with how ever many chapters most people actually post 1 chap a day from the very start and you just find them after there is a decent amount you can only get a rating when you reach 15k words though and its more than ok to post big chapters so you can get ranked, this review just lowered the rating of absolutely no reason. Did you even use your brain when you wrote this review? 15 k words in 3 chapters is the same as 15 k in 15 chapters so get over yourself jesus

Yeah that I get but this story doesn't have those I think could be wrong

Liam_Neeson:I’m pretty sure he was talking about word fill chapters. You know, the chapters that are filled with 15k words of nonsense just so the story can be in the rankings? And I have to agree stuff like that is incredibly annoying, you’ll be looking at new stories see one that looks good and then you click on it just to find out that it only has one or two legit chapters.