
Review Detail of https_alfx in The villains rescue system(Abandoned)

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Hey, I am an Acquisition Editor from Webnovel.com, I am currently recruiting authors to get contracted. Please let me know if you are interested. If so, please contact me through discord via : Uchiha craver#3442

The villains rescue system(Abandoned)


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Im not really a PROFESSIONAL but I turned into an AE like 2 weeks ago, so trying my best. I have actually contracted few people, you can ask them. And I can show you that I am an Acquisition Editor through discord. There is a server for Authors. If you dont believe me, I can add you lmao but you dont seem interested, so thats all. And for your kind information, Webnovel works by Discord. All the AE's work FROM Discord. You can ask any AE's lmao.

Ased:First: no editors will talk about the contract in REVIEWS. Second: no contracts will be negotiated through DISCORD. Third: not even the minimum requirements are met. I just hit some potential starlet, as they can immediately say, "You're good, go to contract.

Clown. Well... Thanks for the five stars... I guess.


I am sorry? Are you suspecting of me being fake? If so, I can prove you wrong.

Ased:Clown. Well... Thanks for the five stars... I guess.

First: no editors will talk about the contract in REVIEWS. Second: no contracts will be negotiated through DISCORD. Third: not even the minimum requirements are met. I just hit some potential starlet, as they can immediately say, "You're good, go to contract.

https_alfx:I am sorry? Are you suspecting of me being fake? If so, I can prove you wrong.

[An old contracted person here + an AE] I'd like to do a bit of clarification before things get heated. You're correct about editors not approaching through reviews and the discord part too. However, this person is from new batch of AEs. Contracts are given on the inkstone itself along with an email as you are aware of. Discord is for chatting and to track the progress of books between author and AEs.

Ased:First: no editors will talk about the contract in REVIEWS. Second: no contracts will be negotiated through DISCORD. Third: not even the minimum requirements are met. I just hit some potential starlet, as they can immediately say, "You're good, go to contract.

Kind of dubious to hear it from another account of this person, lol. Did you even see when your last comment was? 19 days!

BrewingFantasies:[An old contracted person here + an AE] I'd like to do a bit of clarification before things get heated. You're correct about editors not approaching through reviews and the discord part too. However, this person is from new batch of AEs. Contracts are given on the inkstone itself along with an email as you are aware of. Discord is for chatting and to track the progress of books between author and AEs.

I totally understand your concern as an author myself, bud! But no, we are 2 different person as i don't have spamming comments on my account at all. Nevermind, not here to clarify about that part. Although if this is your first book for contract, do use inkstone to apply after you've hit 12k words. No need to use any AE if you are not willing to, though inkstone applications take a bit longer. [Warm regards, Aysel Inara#9449]

Ased:Kind of dubious to hear it from another account of this person, lol. Did you even see when your last comment was? 19 days!

*♪ sigh ♪ Okay... I'll just delete this discussion, I'm sick of it.

BrewingFantasies:I totally understand your concern as an author myself, bud! But no, we are 2 different person as i don't have spamming comments on my account at all. Nevermind, not here to clarify about that part. Although if this is your first book for contract, do use inkstone to apply after you've hit 12k words. No need to use any AE if you are not willing to, though inkstone applications take a bit longer. [Warm regards, Aysel Inara#9449]