
Review Detail of Vhok in One Wish to Own the World

Détail de l’examen


it starts out great up until chapter 25 when he changes from being just an anti-social person to a full psycho murderer, he just keeps murdering other children to practice his sword techniques and the whole novel goes into murder hobo MC after this point. if a super evil mc who hates every other human and just wants to murder is what you want then your in the right place. otherwise steer clear of this

One Wish to Own the World


Aimé par 1 personnes




i never claimed to know everything. all i know is he went from anti-social to full murder hobo of innocent people. that is not who the mc was up to that point and it was extremely sudden and without any reason.

Railvas:they're around 20 but alright. Anyway, if you claim to know everything in the novel from those 3 chapters, I can only say "okay".So... okay.

What's the last chapter you had read?


27? it was when he killed the group of children that went out to the forest. just after his first child murder.

Railvas:What's the last chapter you had read?

they're around 20 but alright. Anyway, if you claim to know everything in the novel from those 3 chapters, I can only say "okay".So... okay.

Vhok:27? it was when he killed the group of children that went out to the forest. just after his first child murder.

You said from that point on it's all murder, so you practically predicted 300 chapters of content according to the 3 chapters you disliked.

Vhok:i never claimed to know everything. all i know is he went from anti-social to full murder hobo of innocent people. that is not who the mc was up to that point and it was extremely sudden and without any reason.

from chapter 25-27 he murders 6 or 7 people? thats 2per chapter and this is his first time so i doubt he cools off. i also despise pointless murder of innocent people which is my reason for dropping this trash. nothing wrong with evil mc's but i hate psychotic pointless murder.

Railvas:You said from that point on it's all murder, so you practically predicted 300 chapters of content according to the 3 chapters you disliked.

alright man, you know best what happens in chapters 28-309. Let's not mention the fact this murder had shaped his whole cultivation, so I don't really know what makes it pointless killing. From chapter one until now, he never killed without a reason even once. You might argue that the reason was not good enough, but he chose this path of cultivation.

Vhok:from chapter 25-27 he murders 6 or 7 people? thats 2per chapter and this is his first time so i doubt he cools off. i also despise pointless murder of innocent people which is my reason for dropping this trash. nothing wrong with evil mc's but i hate psychotic pointless murder.