
Review Detail of Kaiser0000 in Orion:The Journey To Godhood

Détail de l’examen


It was really good but the contract made it unreadable for me, if it affected both parties the same i could still accept, but you signed away everything he ever learns and discover about magic, any family magic he learns that's not protect by oaths, any chance he has of surpassing him as the guy would still be progressing in other fields of magic while benefiting from his hard work, and all that for a few lessons before starting school. It doesn't really matter if the man ends up really taking him as an aprentice and teaching him everything, i would never have agreed to that price. He could just wait to gain access to his family home or actually waiting for school to start, but no he directly signed away all knowledge he may gain in the future for pratically nothing compared with all that the man could gain in the future.

Orion:The Journey To Godhood


Aimé par 5 personnes




To some degree you are correct but One thing to remember is that the Mc has only been in the magical world for only 5 months and he has been trying and failing to do most basic things that at least he thinks everybody could do. most importantly He has no idea how powerful his Family's magic is Or how lucky or great he would be in the future (mainly in the context of recent failures). Of course, in the future, many other things about the teacher and would be revealed


Lol... So what who the man he just sold himself and his entire heritage to is? Your MC is a grown man acting like a 5 year old toddler. He knows nothing about the magical world which is exactly why what he needed to do was have a little patience and wait till he gets to the school where he gets access to all of these things. Or why? Did your worlds school actually decide to just skip the BASICS?... And why could he not wait? Was it because he was dying? Or maybe because he would be expelled if he didn't pass some test? NO! Because he was FG upset that a bunch of 11 year olds were ahead of him in their studies! It doesn't matter if the guy is Merlin himself. It doesn't change the fact that your MC is an absolute FG moron....

ghjggxcfx:To some degree you are correct but One thing to remember is that the Mc has only been in the magical world for only 5 months and he has been trying and failing to do most basic things that at least he thinks everybody could do. most importantly He has no idea how powerful his Family's magic is Or how lucky or great he would be in the future (mainly in the context of recent failures). Of course, in the future, many other things about the teacher and would be revealed

yeah If he were adult I would agree but he is a college student and his greast advantage ie. future knowlede seems to be useless . Do you really except in a realistic world pureblood would send their children to school without lots of extra education and as you can probably understand my world is au and more dangerous as well.

kessu91:Lol... So what who the man he just sold himself and his entire heritage to is? Your MC is a grown man acting like a 5 year old toddler. He knows nothing about the magical world which is exactly why what he needed to do was have a little patience and wait till he gets to the school where he gets access to all of these things. Or why? Did your worlds school actually decide to just skip the BASICS?... And why could he not wait? Was it because he was dying? Or maybe because he would be expelled if he didn't pass some test? NO! Because he was FG upset that a bunch of 11 year olds were ahead of him in their studies! It doesn't matter if the guy is Merlin himself. It doesn't change the fact that your MC is an absolute FG moron....

.....its really not getting to you is it? Just how pathetic your MC truly is? Your MC is 18 years old at least. Had died once and yet acts like a little child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get the candy.... So what how much further they are than him? He's 10 years old with literally a lifetime of time ahead of him with access to the knowledge of an ancient family and the library of one of the oldest magical schools in existence and yet he did this? I mean do you seriously not get how pathetic it is for a collage student to be upset over his level when compared to little kids? So much so that because the little boy is upset he decided to sell his entire legacy to some random old man he knew for all 5 minutes. He's pathetic to a degree that you ruined the entire story with just this. I mean seriously why is it so hard to understand that watching an adult get upset over FG envy at a bunch of 11 year olds just killed what ever potential this might've had? Or do you actually think acting like that in real life is normal lol?.......

ghjggxcfx:yeah If he were adult I would agree but he is a college student and his greast advantage ie. future knowlede seems to be useless . Do you really except in a realistic world pureblood would send their children to school without lots of extra education and as you can probably understand my world is au and more dangerous as well.

you have some interesting facts, it doesn't irritate me the fact of the contract and such, plus the fact that the mc goes against his definition, he should be a mature mc reincarnated, more acting immature and foolish. Besides the Disadvantages being far-fetched, and illogical. Muggle-borns can go to school for 6 months and he's a Muggle-raised orphan isn't he?

kessu91:.....its really not getting to you is it? Just how pathetic your MC truly is? Your MC is 18 years old at least. Had died once and yet acts like a little child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get the candy.... So what how much further they are than him? He's 10 years old with literally a lifetime of time ahead of him with access to the knowledge of an ancient family and the library of one of the oldest magical schools in existence and yet he did this? I mean do you seriously not get how pathetic it is for a collage student to be upset over his level when compared to little kids? So much so that because the little boy is upset he decided to sell his entire legacy to some random old man he knew for all 5 minutes. He's pathetic to a degree that you ruined the entire story with just this. I mean seriously why is it so hard to understand that watching an adult get upset over FG envy at a bunch of 11 year olds just killed what ever potential this might've had? Or do you actually think acting like that in real life is normal lol?.......

I got to agree with the other guy, mc is stupid for the contract

ghjggxcfx:To some degree you are correct but One thing to remember is that the Mc has only been in the magical world for only 5 months and he has been trying and failing to do most basic things that at least he thinks everybody could do. most importantly He has no idea how powerful his Family's magic is Or how lucky or great he would be in the future (mainly in the context of recent failures). Of course, in the future, many other things about the teacher and would be revealed