
Review Detail of Aero182 in Conquest of the Lich King

Détail de l’examen


A fresh novelist whom I have inspired :) Looking forward to seeing how they add to the necromancer genre. --------------------------------------------------------

Conquest of the Lich King


Aimé par 3 personnes




ngl i didn't think you would really see my comment so im happy and i hope you can make more story that you enjoy and as a Australian id like to say you a good mate and are welcome here anytime p.s i have tryed to make my own novel and i can see how hard it is so i hope you also take time to yourself dont over work we care and understand if you need time don't make the same mistakes alot of writers do p.p.s if you ever need a new story i can give ya mine i have kinda given up on it

Aero182:Your comment is enough for me. Be strong, friend :)

hey aero182 this is a lil silly but i just spent like 1h trying to find a way to thank you your story my necromancer class helped me its embarrassing to say but i was cheated on and felt like the world was bad so i was going to end it but then I read your novel idk why but it stoped me and made me feel like there was more to life which us funny that a book about death made me want to live but still thank you i hope one day i can buy you a cake or something also have a good day/night whenever you read this


Your comment is enough for me. Be strong, friend :)

Thegamingraeper:hey aero182 this is a lil silly but i just spent like 1h trying to find a way to thank you your story my necromancer class helped me its embarrassing to say but i was cheated on and felt like the world was bad so i was going to end it but then I read your novel idk why but it stoped me and made me feel like there was more to life which us funny that a book about death made me want to live but still thank you i hope one day i can buy you a cake or something also have a good day/night whenever you read this

I'm sorry that I can't read the mood but... can I ask when volume 2 of my necromancer class is coming out? I'm worried since you're starting another novel

Aero182:Your comment is enough for me. Be strong, friend :)

hey my discord is murray5202 if you want to talk I live ya work

Aero182:Your comment is enough for me. Be strong, friend :)

It’s been years, please give us the next volume of my necromancer class

Aero182:Your comment is enough for me. Be strong, friend :)

Aero, i would like to know when the next part of my necromancer class will be posted and where i would be able to find it, and if you still want to continue it, will it still be available for non-paying readers, in a similar way like webnovel does, to read?