
Review Detail of Silent_Akudama in Superhunt

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I really like the novel, keep up the good work! really hopes for the chapter relase dates to be increased anyway its a very good novel, but i do have some issues regarding it, first is the technological aspect, so far we were introduced to the more mysterious side of the world, but not the technological, prostethics, futuristic weapons, and such, i expected a bit of "edge runner" type of technologcal combat features, but technology so far is not promiment, in cybepunk world where technology is so advanced, just a simple eye prostetic is extremely useful, not to mention sight enchancent, the ability to capture and analyse but also advanced versions have diffrent sights like heat vision, dark vision. x-ray and such. - but what about buller proof skin? enchanced ,muscles, and may more possible enchancments, you see in such a world oridnary human body will be extremely vulunarable compared to cybernetics enchanced one, so it makes not sense for investigators under consurtioms that have such technological resources to get military grade prostetics to have human body. second issue is the awakening, so far the awakeners seems to be abit underwhelmingly weak, you see fox which is a possibly B class ability user can stop bullets, turn into water and such, but if he fought armed cyborg(with the enchanment like i mentioned above) i doubt he will be victorious and even if he is, several such cyborgs can kill him, so what is the point of awakeners status? if they had overwhelming power, but this is less of a critisim but more of my opinion. so far the novel is just staring so maybe B and A class is just tjhe starting point? and after S there are many more levels? third issue is awkwners seems to be too singular in terms of their powers, meaning for example shaow shuttle, weapons heat encanment, this powers eems to be really limited and sigular and do not give comprehesive feeling, but this critisims can be changed for example if the idea of powers is like skill tree in novels they dig into diffrent channel and awaken new powers related to their skill tree and finnaly reach the core for example shadow shuttle can awaken shadow manipulation, shadow clone, shadow transfer, and such untill the core which is shadow manipulation and higher level of shadow manipulation the more powers he can acess under his tree and more power he has, this way awkaening power not only become comprehesive but also have 2 directions in terms of pathway, first is dig into ability origin and second in improve the quality of the ability user fourth, there is lack of chaos, companies precense, and feeling of the world stacture and socity itself, well so far the novel plot was singular so there is not much time and oppertunity to explore and flesh out this aspects but i hope you do when time comes in the novel plot. this is so far the issues i have problem with, they can be easily fixed in my opinion and by doing so for me the novel quality will be enchanced many times over, but anyway i enjoy the story so far so even if remain the same i plan to read it. several points to consider: - his captain seems like a righous guy rather than a curropted offical you would expect from cyberpunk world - there does not seems to be real class opression treachy and dystopian feeling - lack of technological advanced feeling and absense of power of prostethics - awkaeners seems to be lackluster - monsters have potential and alot in it, you can related of cathulhu \ lovecraft like entities, or aliens related. and so on.. option and potentail is very high if you play it right. thanks for novel!



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is it romance

FETI:Wow, I appreciate your so long comment. I will carefully consider your suggestions. Additionally, awakened individuals are divided into different tiers, each with a unique focus of abilities. For instance, Red abilities pertain to reconnaissance, while Fox abilities are more frequently applied in combat. I will write the other various tiers of awakened individuals belonging to the Inspection Bureau and Mechanical Dawn organization in subsequent writings. Furthermore, the captain is a highly ambitious and idealistic individual, and there will be surprises in store. Thank you once again for your comment.

Wow, I appreciate your so long comment. I will carefully consider your suggestions. Additionally, awakened individuals are divided into different tiers, each with a unique focus of abilities. For instance, Red abilities pertain to reconnaissance, while Fox abilities are more frequently applied in combat. I will write the other various tiers of awakened individuals belonging to the Inspection Bureau and Mechanical Dawn organization in subsequent writings. Furthermore, the captain is a highly ambitious and idealistic individual, and there will be surprises in store. Thank you once again for your comment.