
Review Detail of _Haven in When Our Two Worlds Collided

Détail de l’examen


When I picked up this story, I was immediately captivated by Liling! Swift in action, and without any unnecessary movements shows her experience and skill. The world building of this story is simple and easy to follow along—which I love, and the characters were so quick to grow on me! What I love so much about this story so far are the origami lilies (I seriously can’t get enough of them), and their symbolism. I’m so excited to keep reading to get a glimpse of what’s inside Liling’s heart beneath the anger and resentment (and I’m sensing a bit of guilt). Something tells me that beneath the cold exterior lies a genuine and kind person that no longer wants to take the lives of others. Great job, Author!!

When Our Two Worlds Collided


Aimé par 1 personnes

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