
Review Detail of FoodReviewSnake in Ashes Of Heaven: Book One

Détail de l’examen


It was an arduous task getting past chapter 10 I came here expecting a dark novel but so far the entire novel has been corny it's like seeing stand up comedy being done by Brendan schuab. Evil mc and comedy don't go hand in hand together.

Ashes Of Heaven: Book One


Aimé par 3 personnes




Lmao bro it's cool.

Rengoz:I'm sorry author, i putted it in my 'evil mc's &no romance' novel list with just considering the fact it doesn't have romance.

My friend, i always thought you would grow with me, but you're still stuck with your past self. life is hard, and you need to adapt. Yes, this novel isn't the same as the other on my list, yes this novel doesn't have a strong mc, yes this novel is so slow paced that the typical xianxia tournament happens after 100 chaps, and that's the cost, you witness schemes, conspiracies, challenging the norm, and ultimately defying one's destiny. but I'm the one in wrong here, i put it in my evil mc's list with just considering the fact it doesn't have romance, I'm sorry.


I'm sorry author, i putted it in my 'evil mc's &no romance' novel list with just considering the fact it doesn't have romance.

Le contenu a été supprimé

I only read evil mc. You desperate that's why your satisfying yourself with this garbage. This novel is not evil mc in the slightest.

Rengoz:My friend, i always thought you would grow with me, but you're still stuck with your past self. life is hard, and you need to adapt. Yes, this novel isn't the same as the other on my list, yes this novel doesn't have a strong mc, yes this novel is so slow paced that the typical xianxia tournament happens after 100 chaps, and that's the cost, you witness schemes, conspiracies, challenging the norm, and ultimately defying one's destiny. but I'm the one in wrong here, i put it in my evil mc's list with just considering the fact it doesn't have romance, I'm sorry.

Desperate you say, i wouldn't delve too much but it's either you adapt and catch the opportunities or just wait and hope you will get something to your liking. I'm waiting for you to grow my friend

FoodReviewSnake:I only read evil mc. You desperate that's why your satisfying yourself with this garbage. This novel is not evil mc in the slightest.