
Review Detail of Sker_8041 in The Hidden Wizard

Détail de l’examen


I looked up "wizard" and ended up here. I must say this is an extremely funny novel, but I noticed this is very clearly meant for a specific audience. The word "boundless" is thrown around so many times, and I can tell it is done as a joke, but what exactly is the joke? After looking up this, and some other words thrown around in the novel, I figured out that it has something to do with battleboarding, which let me put all the pieces together. As I said, this is meant for a specific audience, possibly a niche one, and you probably wont get the reference, I know I didn't. That being said, it is still very funny and I would recommend it.

The Hidden Wizard


Aimé par 4 personnes




Lol, glad you enjoyed it regardless. It's a satirical take on battleboarding and characters made just to be strong