
Review Detail of Brezer in Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Détail de l’examen


this is a true gem. this is one of the best stories I have read here. I have no idea who is picking the new stories they are doing a heck of a job. the story starts as your typical Chinese novel but then blossoms into an emotional roller coaster. the guy is injecting full dive vr into this world, and we think cool a vr video game, but the author goes deeper. people with missing limbs can walk again, people with ALS can function, and children who have been blind since birth can finally see for the first time. I am usually pretty harsh in my reviews, so this is not my typical review. this story can really pull on your heart strings and bring a tear of joy to your eye.

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Zoo of Darwin

Aimé par 1 personnes

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