
Review Detail of _Bruh in Primordial Files: The Gamer

Détail de l’examen


was interesting until the character suki was introduced she makes an untrained civilian fight someone pros are struggling with when she's only met him once before and then she makes the mc save her daughter who has been missing for weeks while she made no effort to contact pro heroes to help her before she met the mc. there js nothing that the mc has over pro heroes and yet she guilt trips him and plays the victim card to make the mc save her daughter and "rally allies" and the mc being a massive simp (i dont even like using this word but it actually applies in this case) goes along with it because suki is pretty how tf do you ruin story in less than 10 chapters is beyond me. the only way it couldve been ruined faster is jf you added 🤢 harems only good thing i can say is the grammar is good and the theory was interesting.

Primordial Files: The Gamer


Aimé par 2 personnes




I could explain it, but it would be a spoiler for the story, so I won't. I'd rather no one else's gets ruined by something they may've randomly stumbled upon. There's a logical reason for Suki's character to do so, and there were other reasons explained in the story. For example, Suki says that the villains threatened to kill her daughter if she contacted any pros. Would she, as a loving mother, risk her daughter's life like that? Furthermore, can her words be trusted at all? She's put Mineta in several precarious situations already, and now she'd be bringing him into another one. Rikko, in part, is supposed to bring these concerns up to Mineta, who's too dumb for attractive women to think about them. Is Suki's reasoning logical? Could she have done other things to help out her daughter? Your confusion is proper for a story like this. All the answers aren't supposed to be given immediately, since this story, in large part, is more akin to a mystery than an action.

_Bruh:and how do you suggest i do that without reading the story first to know whether i like it or not good sir? and can you even explain what was going on in the mind of Suki when she didnt contact any pro heroes when her DAUGHTER has been missing for weeks?

For those who read this review, it is, in a sense, correct. Mineta's choices aren't completely logical for this part of the story so far. I think that's in character, and for what I plan on doing, I think it serves the story perfectly. If you want a main character who has it all together and doesn't make dumb mistakes, this story at this point, being ten chapters in, won't be for you. Thanks for the review, _Bruh.


your writing quality was good and your story was interesting at the beginning even when mineta was a massive simp. but suki just sucked the enjoyment out of it for me it'd have been better if mineta just rejected her crazy proposal to gather allies like he's a fantasy mc going to a dungeon and just told his mom so actual pros could save eri

PyroSaiyan:For those who read this review, it is, in a sense, correct. Mineta's choices aren't completely logical for this part of the story so far. I think that's in character, and for what I plan on doing, I think it serves the story perfectly. If you want a main character who has it all together and doesn't make dumb mistakes, this story at this point, being ten chapters in, won't be for you. Thanks for the review, _Bruh.

Well, that's okay. It sucked your enjoyment out of it but it definitely hasn't taken mine away. Thanks for the comments, but it would be best to not read a story that you wouldn't enjoy.

_Bruh:your writing quality was good and your story was interesting at the beginning even when mineta was a massive simp. but suki just sucked the enjoyment out of it for me it'd have been better if mineta just rejected her crazy proposal to gather allies like he's a fantasy mc going to a dungeon and just told his mom so actual pros could save eri

and how do you suggest i do that without reading the story first to know whether i like it or not good sir? and can you even explain what was going on in the mind of Suki when she didnt contact any pro heroes when her DAUGHTER has been missing for weeks?

PyroSaiyan:Well, that's okay. It sucked your enjoyment out of it but it definitely hasn't taken mine away. Thanks for the comments, but it would be best to not read a story that you wouldn't enjoy.

a mystery mha gamer story i think i can understand more why i dropped this good luck but your works are not for me

PyroSaiyan:I could explain it, but it would be a spoiler for the story, so I won't. I'd rather no one else's gets ruined by something they may've randomly stumbled upon. There's a logical reason for Suki's character to do so, and there were other reasons explained in the story. For example, Suki says that the villains threatened to kill her daughter if she contacted any pros. Would she, as a loving mother, risk her daughter's life like that? Furthermore, can her words be trusted at all? She's put Mineta in several precarious situations already, and now she'd be bringing him into another one. Rikko, in part, is supposed to bring these concerns up to Mineta, who's too dumb for attractive women to think about them. Is Suki's reasoning logical? Could she have done other things to help out her daughter? Your confusion is proper for a story like this. All the answers aren't supposed to be given immediately, since this story, in large part, is more akin to a mystery than an action.