
Review Detail of InsanityIsLife in Marvel: The Foundation

Détail de l’examen


The story was good until the author started gender bending the MC back and forth with a scp that the author definitely did not study the rules of. I'm gonna try and push through because it is a decent story, but seeing as there is no gender bending tag or anything in the description that tells you, let this be your warning if this is not your cup of tea.

Marvel: The Foundation


Aimé par 26 personnes





Kirozen:What chapter?

If there's a good reason to come back to this, please let me know because I've read up to that point onto which I immediately drop because the reasonings behind that is extremely d.mb. He could've just claimed it to be a Body Double shtick instead of that, It's extremely annoying and maddening that a great story is reduced to such a d.mb and sorry state. A lot of complications and efforts that will be wasted will happen just so he can have a Natasha Romanoff that is nerfed. So yeah even though I come to hate this, I still like the story until that chapter. So please tell me if this becomes worth pursuing again.


Honestly, it's been kinda a downhill spiral since that, so I've been kinda falling off myself. The author doubles down, and it just gets worse. I know they say to just shut off your brain while reading these, but the reasoning makes absolutely no sense, and neither does how he's using this scp. Anyone who is knowledgeable in scps can tell you the mc should be dead.

DespairHope:If there's a good reason to come back to this, please let me know because I've read up to that point onto which I immediately drop because the reasonings behind that is extremely d.mb. He could've just claimed it to be a Body Double shtick instead of that, It's extremely annoying and maddening that a great story is reduced to such a d.mb and sorry state. A lot of complications and efforts that will be wasted will happen just so he can have a Natasha Romanoff that is nerfed. So yeah even though I come to hate this, I still like the story until that chapter. So please tell me if this becomes worth pursuing again.

Oh, how sad, This had a great potential and opportunity to become great since it's hard to find a good SCP fic... Guess its just wasn't meant to be.

InsanityIsLife:Honestly, it's been kinda a downhill spiral since that, so I've been kinda falling off myself. The author doubles down, and it just gets worse. I know they say to just shut off your brain while reading these, but the reasoning makes absolutely no sense, and neither does how he's using this scp. Anyone who is knowledgeable in scps can tell you the mc should be dead.

Very very dead if I sey so myself.

InsanityIsLife:Honestly, it's been kinda a downhill spiral since that, so I've been kinda falling off myself. The author doubles down, and it just gets worse. I know they say to just shut off your brain while reading these, but the reasoning makes absolutely no sense, and neither does how he's using this scp. Anyone who is knowledgeable in scps can tell you the mc should be dead.


InsanityIsLife:Honestly, it's been kinda a downhill spiral since that, so I've been kinda falling off myself. The author doubles down, and it just gets worse. I know they say to just shut off your brain while reading these, but the reasoning makes absolutely no sense, and neither does how he's using this scp. Anyone who is knowledgeable in scps can tell you the mc should be dead.


InsanityIsLife:Honestly, it's been kinda a downhill spiral since that, so I've been kinda falling off myself. The author doubles down, and it just gets worse. I know they say to just shut off your brain while reading these, but the reasoning makes absolutely no sense, and neither does how he's using this scp. Anyone who is knowledgeable in scps can tell you the mc should be dead.

What chapter?


Imma try it out and see if I can handle it. Maybe the author will have edited it by the time I get there? 😆


Let me know if they did I might return to it. It was actually pretty good until that point. Then it just started to get weird.

NoBookNoLife:Imma try it out and see if I can handle it. Maybe the author will have edited it by the time I get there? 😆