
Review Detail of Hikari_no_Yami in DxD : Conquer Multiverse

Détail de l’examen


The Idea of this story has potential but falls flat at its execution. The Chapters are short and the grammar is not good to the point of not understanding what even is meant by it. The background of the MC apparently dosn't have influence on him considering he lacks any and all personality to his character and behaves like a braindead wannabe goody twoshoes hero doing every cliche the sun has ever seen. The story on its own is very fast paced with little to none world building in it. Other characters feel hollow and dont even resemble their canon selfs. The only good thing I can find in this story is that it has a very stable update schedule.

DxD : Conquer Multiverse


Aimé par 25 personnes




Should've recommended berserk or redo of healer tsk

_Alenkar:evil, I wouldn't do that even to my greatest enemy, and I introduced this world to my best friend through Boku no Pico

burh , how would you like me to build the world while it is already built . As for grammar… I'm simply not good at English. Mostly I use my meager vocabulary. Plus, I've already warned you. A simple and cliches ff for those who simply and cliches read . Meh you're basically pointing out what I and others know about this ff.


I think you should read [ dominator in dxd ] That fanfic was made for you . You will surely love it.


The MC in the fanfic [ dominator in dxd ] is very personable . He has the most specials on webnovel . Please read it and forget my Fanfic. 😉


Read it awhile back and my opinion on it is meh. Seen worse that that by a long shot both Grammatik and story wise. Trust me there's stuff out there where your going to question the sanity and humanity of the Author.

Oniichanishere:I think you should read [ dominator in dxd ] That fanfic was made for you . You will surely love it.

try the grammarly free version it helps auto correct, giving suggestions with punctuation and correctly using Grammers in a sentence. hope it helps [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Oniichanishere:burh , how would you like me to build the world while it is already built . As for grammar… I'm simply not good at English. Mostly I use my meager vocabulary. Plus, I've already warned you. A simple and cliches ff for those who simply and cliches read . Meh you're basically pointing out what I and others know about this ff.

you can try Annihilation Maker DXD it pretty good

Hikari_no_Yami:Read it awhile back and my opinion on it is meh. Seen worse that that by a long shot both Grammatik and story wise. Trust me there's stuff out there where your going to question the sanity and humanity of the Author.

Its a good read when your not looking for a romance focused story with good and plausible action and power scaling. The only little problem that I see is that it kinda sidelines the chat group in the later capters and MC being a bit too apathetic (for my taste atleast) to his friends, love-interests and allies. Plus that the updates have slowed to a crawl as of the late chapter releases compaired to its start but I get it that the Author prob. got other more important things todo.

Irlandez:you can try Annihilation Maker DXD it pretty good

I like there idea of what fourth true magic was also I recommend ‘Play with other supernaturl’ it pretty good

Hikari_no_Yami:Its a good read when your not looking for a romance focused story with good and plausible action and power scaling. The only little problem that I see is that it kinda sidelines the chat group in the later capters and MC being a bit too apathetic (for my taste atleast) to his friends, love-interests and allies. Plus that the updates have slowed to a crawl as of the late chapter releases compaired to its start but I get it that the Author prob. got other more important things todo.

you should read [Pokemon in MHA] or something like that, the idea is that MC can use pokemon moves like a quirk, only he is supposed to only have the froglike pokemon abilities, while the author just chamged it to all abilities and moves without a reason given, the idea of the world is that its a darker world where heros kill and the MC seeing a thug captures the guy and tortures him, the author said it was a logical action... point is there is a lot worse than authors with a ntr fetish, there are also real psychos that think its more logical to torture a thug than to take them to the police or if you dont trust the you literal teacher All Might

Oniichanishere:The MC in the fanfic [ dominator in dxd ] is very personable . He has the most specials on webnovel . Please read it and forget my Fanfic. 😉

evil, I wouldn't do that even to my greatest enemy, and I introduced this world to my best friend through Boku no Pico

Oniichanishere:I think you should read [ dominator in dxd ] That fanfic was made for you . You will surely love it.