
Review Detail of Ethan_akky in Badass Peter Parker

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so I feel like he is not using his spider sense at all, I've only read up to chapter 17, and I feel like his spider sense would have picked up a lot more

Badass Peter Parker


Aimé par 3 personnes





UdayWrites:Can you give me any examples where you thought it would be appropriate, I personally feel that I've been overusing the Spider sense. All suggestions are welcome.

Can you give me any examples where you thought it would be appropriate, I personally feel that I've been overusing the Spider sense. All suggestions are welcome.


In my own opinion, if it's any reactionary thing like in the basketball game in chaper 16 when he gets the ball stolen from him, I feel like he would have felt it. spiderman can even dodge bullets shot at him, so I feel like even if he let the ball get stolen, he should be able to sense some grabbing a ball, sorry for the ramble


Peter can react to a lot of things with his spider senses. He can even feel a dangerous situation that is soon to come. It isn't just a danger sense. As can be seen in Tom Holland's spider man far from home iirc, he was in a bus and something exploded in the background, and his hairs on his arms stood up. Indicating the activation of his spider sense. Depending on the Spider-Man, they may automatically dodge any dangerous attempts on their life, either that, or they simply feel the danger and where it is. I believe Doc Oc who took over peters body (Superior Spider-Man) explains just what exactly his Spider-man's spider sense was like. He said something like, "It's no wonder I've lose to him so many times, he can dodge anything thrown at him." In essence, if it's something harmless like a simple banana thrown at low speeds, then he's not going to sense it with spider senses. But he has insane reflexes, so he should dodge it anyways. If it's something about to fall and break, his spider sense should warn him, it has happened multiple times canonically. If someone else is about to fall or be hurt, his spider sense can activate sometimes according to canon

UdayWrites:Can you give me any examples where you thought it would be appropriate, I personally feel that I've been overusing the Spider sense. All suggestions are welcome.