
Review Detail of MadFool in The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

Détail de l’examen


Started out great, with a reincarnated MC who, due to his body being undeveloped, retained some of his child like innocence. We witness him growing into a strong and poweful youth, who becomes the squire of Daemon, bond with his own dragon (whom sadly disappears completely shortly after author introduces her). Then MC falls in love with a princess and everything starts crumbling down. All his reaolve, ambitions and peomises to himself he made when he lost his mother come down like a sandcastle as he refuses to elope with the princess’ during her wedding. I get that heartbreak and be painful, but our MC had lived a previous life, had early on set his goals and firmed his resolve and then we witness it all deflate like a balloon kn one single chapter, because of one single girl he knew he had no chance of getting together with. After dozen of chapters he is still bathing in his self-loathing and misery that he successfully managed to lose his bonds with a man he saw as a brother, who grew up and trained with him and became knighted almost at the same time. This development was an utter disappointment to witness. Seeing how easily he breaks he should just take his dragon to Essoss and stay away from the game, it definently is not for him.

The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]


Liked it!




no signs of the real love interest? bet I'm ditching this lol I've got some more planned anyways. btw good review! one og the best I've come across.


All said and done this fanfic is still superbly written and the characters are well fleahed out, so cudos to author on that as he did a brilliant work.


this fic would be miles better if he is just Ulf with different personality instead of a reincartnator taking over the body.