
Review Detail of Tyler_Baker_3884 in Hadrian in Narnia

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I will say I love this also you said something about a discovery of witches and to me that's a happy face what I really wish you would do is write a discovery which in fanfiction because there's not a lot of them it would be really cool for someone to be either reborn in the discovery of witches or go to that world and become very powerful like I really wish that Diana would have just owned her powers and not put up with the congregation that was something that I really wish I mean she was a weaver she could have created magical barriers over the castle and it would have been very hard for them to get in so I'm hoping that you do something like that I really like this even though it's flowing like the same way it is for the movie even he to me he is adding character but that's fine I really want more interactions with their app they ask him questions about certain things I haven't really got that far in hopefully that's the case other than that I think this story is really good I do think I really wish that his personality would have changed be a little bit more blunt that's one thing that I would expect for Harry to change after he got stabbed in the back and even after he you know got over it and everything but I really hope that if anyone sees my comments on here that please write a discovery of which which is fanfiction even if he goes to discover which is that would be cool but kind of make it more original where you know he goes there or something and you know that's where he starts to live after all these events happen and he said that his own business in that world I would really like something like that so please please update I think it's a good story hopefully someone will write a primarily a discovery of which is fanfiction because I think someone should

Hadrian in Narnia


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