
Review Detail of Tanyaz in Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Détail de l’examen


can only say one thing i was expecting a lot more of the author of "HP: A Magical Journey" compared with his last work this utterly garbage looks like he choose the wrong world to make an fanfic because too bad compared that anything he already write

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve


Aimé par 4 personnes




What chapter did you get to? What didn't you like specifically? What did you like about hp magical journey that you don't like about this? Is the genre / pacing different to what you expected or prefer? It's hard for people to understand what's wrong with a novel if you just review bomb without actually saying what the problem is,and neither is it fair to the author who is probably looking for actual constructive criticism. Especially if you've read their other works.


Instead of just hating on the story why don’t you try say what you didn’ like about it you know give some constructive criticism



don't be a hypocrite i dont see you flaming those 5 star spam review, thats why there's a review section, and its not only for those 5 star spam reviews. if you want to be a fair judger of the review section then flame those 5 star spam reviewer hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite

Papa_Gandalf:What chapter did you get to? What didn't you like specifically? What did you like about hp magical journey that you don't like about this? Is the genre / pacing different to what you expected or prefer? It's hard for people to understand what's wrong with a novel if you just review bomb without actually saying what the problem is,and neither is it fair to the author who is probably looking for actual constructive criticism. Especially if you've read their other works.