
Review Detail of AkiraLight in Harry Potter: Rise of the beast god

Détail de l’examen


Up to the latest chapter so far (chapter 8) so this review won't go into to much detail so early on in this story. First of all writing style in this story is amazingly written, the Author uses a wide range of vocabulary that can instantly hook you in as he paints a vivid picture for you. something rarely seen in fanfictions on this platform. Update stability is okay at this point in time not to fast or slow, the character design is incredibly detailed and well written, I can predict that slow gradual character development as the story develops. world background so far is to early to be seen but everything introduced at this point has been well described in detail, especially hogwords and its surrounding lands and village. However it does come with its down sides in my opinion, not with how the Author writes or in the plot or grammar but in the structure as some paragraphs in the chapters comes in large blocks that are some times hard to follow along with when using a phone, would perfer if the paragraphs are broken into smaller sentences of 4 or 5 each. This was the only negative I could pick up as stated before it's to early into the story to find any major issues in the plot or over all story. I highly recommend you read this novel, it's worth the time and hope you enjoy it as I do.

Harry Potter: Rise of the beast god


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