
Review Detail of HiddenGift in A Cold-Blooded POV

Détail de l’examen


In term of content, the story is interesting right off the bat. I won't spoil, but know that if you wish to know everything about the mc, you'll be served. Asides that the story is like LitRPG with stats and all. In term of writting quality, some sentences are a bit long and repetitive buts thats it. Overall its easy to understand. And I'm sure the author will improve over time.

A Cold-Blooded POV


Aimé par 2 personnes




Appreciate the thoughtful review~


i have a question for ya im planning on making an overlord fanfic and what to know if i can borrow your character from your one to make an type of enemy for my kitsune character

Month:Appreciate the thoughtful review~

Yeah bro go ahead.

villain_whatif:i have a question for ya im planning on making an overlord fanfic and what to know if i can borrow your character from your one to make an type of enemy for my kitsune character

thanks also im curious on if you are stuck or lost intress with overlord:ghosthood as i kind of want more parts to it lol

Month:Yeah bro go ahead.

Don’t worry, it’s not dropped. I have unreleased chapters in storage right now. I simply didn’t feel like writing more Overlord content since I had started writing multiple other novels like this one right here.(Cold-blooded Pov) I haven’t published the unreleased Overlord chapters becuase once I do it will bring reader who expect me to continue writing more and more chapters which I can’t do at the moment. If you are a fan of my writting style though, you could check out Cold-blooded Pov. It’s very similar to Overlord: Ghosthood with both Mc’s being non-human, game-like elements, and fantasy worlds.

villain_whatif:thanks also im curious on if you are stuck or lost intress with overlord:ghosthood as i kind of want more parts to it lol

oh np i was just curious on if it was dropped or not and thanks for the suggestion ill read it at some point

Month:Don’t worry, it’s not dropped. I have unreleased chapters in storage right now. I simply didn’t feel like writing more Overlord content since I had started writing multiple other novels like this one right here.(Cold-blooded Pov) I haven’t published the unreleased Overlord chapters becuase once I do it will bring reader who expect me to continue writing more and more chapters which I can’t do at the moment. If you are a fan of my writting style though, you could check out Cold-blooded Pov. It’s very similar to Overlord: Ghosthood with both Mc’s being non-human, game-like elements, and fantasy worlds.