
Review Detail of IQCA in Re: Strongest System In Another World

Détail de l’examen


I am reviewing this book after posting chapter 20. First, for all who want to read my novel, this book is a harem. It could be 2, 3, or 4 girls and of course, there would be seggs in the later chapters. Next, you can judge the book however you want and I'll be willing to listen if you have suggestions that could fit into the story. Now onto the review. Writing Quality — I'm not going to give myself a 5 star mainly because of obvious reasons—my first language is not english. However, I assure you that this is at least readable based on grammarly and grammar checker apps 😏. Anyways, I promise I'm going to keep improving to deliver more well-written chapters. Story Development — Parts of it are a little cliche. As a matter of fact, all novels have clichés in them. However, the storyline as a whole will not. There would be mysteries and tensions at some arc. I already have the outline for the first 5 arcs so I could pretty much say that everything is going according to plan. Of course, in the end, it would be up to you guys if you want to continue reading. Character Design — I described them with a clear picture in my mind so I guess I'm good here. Even then, I'm gonna give it a 4 star. Update Stability — I'm planning to update 2 chaps per day in the future so stay tuned. World Background — The world background was already planned. In fact, I'm already making a map for future references. Although in the first 20 chapters, there are only hints of it, as the chapters go on, it will eventually get revealed. Here you'll find exotic lands and bizarre places with cool concepts. I have so much to say here but I won't spoil it anymore. This is my review. It might be a bit biased in your eyes because I'm the author. However, in the end, the choice is up to you. If you still don't like it after reading a bunch of chapters, I apologize for wasting your time. However, please accept my thanks for giving my novel a try. Thank you!

Re: Strongest System In Another World


Aimé par 2 personnes




can you explain the power level here , Im so confused about the mc


I just posted an auxiliary chapter. You can check it out. If you have further questions, just let me know. [img=recommend]

AkosiRen2323:can you explain the power level here , Im so confused about the mc