
Review Detail of Yokubo in Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Détail de l’examen


Empress was happy before entering the palace Author: Gongsun Xiaoyue Genre: Romance Novels Status: Completed~ 1013 1,035,400 words ~ Jiang Ning, who was in the boudoir, was pregnant, and entered the second room of the Jiang family with a lame leg, and was meeting the emperor to choose a concubine for King Yu.     The noble ladies of the noble family participated in the selection of the concubine with all their strength, but the flower fell on the head of Jiang Ning, who was watching the fun.     Jiang Ning: "???"     She didn't dare to let King Yu be the receiver, she tried her best to tell others that she was pregnant, but the whole world didn't believe it.     She vomited, and they laughed at her pretending to be sick.     She was sleepy, and they laughed at her for pretending to be weak.     She had a big belly and they laughed at her eating too much.     Jiang Ning wanted the doctor's proof, but all the eighteen doctors he found were of the same caliber: You just ate too much!     ***     King Yu is a handsome and handsome young man, looking up at the blue sky with his white eyes, as bright as a jade tree in front of the wind.     This is the description of the fifth emperor of the emperor's family by the people of Chang'an City.     But the real King Yu is ruthless and cruel, and he only uses women without hesitation.     He knew that the second lady of the Jiang family was Bai Yueguang of the emperor's father, and that the daughter the Jiang family had just recovered looked exactly the same as the second lady of the Jiang family when she was young.     So, even though the girl was crippled, he threw the embroidery in his hand into her arms.     ***     After marriage, he clearly knew that he was a successor, but for the sake of the throne, even if he hated her so much, he still pretended to spoil her until...

Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Gongsun Xiaoyue

Aimé par 13 personnes




couldn't find it plz help


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Tania_kumari:couldn't find it plz help