
Review Detail of GoGo in The God of Jesters

Détail de l’examen


The story is steam punkish with magic flair to it. But it is also a lot different than what you might have read before. As said before, this is a story about an ill man. It's 18+ for a reason and you truly shouldn't read it if you are not ready for it. There are mature themes in this novel and I won't be holding back on specific aspects of reality that is our own world. So get ready. As for the story itself, there are two forms of storytelling. One from the perspective of our main character(Let's call him Jester) will act as the narrator, telling us the story. While the other is third-person usually narration when Jester is not present in the scene. Making that particular scene not part of Jester's play. So read it at your own risk. And if you might have questions, ask away.

The God of Jesters


Aimé par 23 personnes




Hope it’s no harem😭

GoGo:Well.... not the kind you might like and it will arrive way later and not for our MC.

Also, the first arc is how Jester became who he was. So be ready for that as well. As he might not be as you expect him to be coming in. But he will become the guy you expect him to be by the end of the story.


The second arc turned into something I was not expecting. So I am gonna give up on the terrorist plot as otherwise, the second arc might become a bit too big for one to digest. Abandoning some aspects of the school plot as well. The Jester will also not appear in the front as a person, but instead just narrate the story while he also learn about what happened after he came to this world.


I still implore everyone to ask a question at least. I wanna talk about my novel, pretty please.


Is Jester powerful and scheming? I'm hoping for this MC to be like Dantalian in Dungeon Defense before his character suddenly changed after the first arc (not WN) lol

GoGo:I still implore everyone to ask a question at least. I wanna talk about my novel, pretty please.

Not powerful, but omniscient in the current arc and super scheming. He knows lots of things due to his abilities, but he had no means to utilize that information besides[can't spoil ahead of this... but he will be super broken later on] His whole Schtick is to manipulate people to craft stories of interest for our readers, while furtheringhis own goals to find even more delectable stories.

OliveTwisted:Is Jester powerful and scheming? I'm hoping for this MC to be like Dantalian in Dungeon Defense before his character suddenly changed after the first arc (not WN) lol

Sorry for delay... will upload from 4th of aug.


hey author where are you and when will you start this novel again I'm waiting



GoGo:Sorry for delay... will upload from 4th of aug.

Well.... not the kind you might like and it will arrive way later and not for our MC.


His not gay right ?

GoGo:Well.... not the kind you might like and it will arrive way later and not for our MC.

Its not, our hero(villain) is pretty much asexual and not interested in such matters. He considers himself above those basic instincts of validation and need to belong somewhere, he likes watching others develop relationships, but he is never interested in it himself. He even knows what love is and how it works. But he genuinely can't feel it. It's why he doesn't bother with it. A born psychopath with a severe case of OCD.

Wandering_Cloud101:Hope it’s no harem😭

Alright, I was already Extremely interested in reading about a Psychopathic Jester in a magical World. But your confirmation on there being no Romance for the MC just adds a whole new level of excitement to this for me.           -                                                                                                                         --                                                                    -                                                             I'm someone who immensely struggles with reading anything with Romance or a Harem for the MC. And with my favourite type of book being one without either, and having a mentally deranged MC. This seems like it's right up my ally.            -                                                                                                                         --                                                                    -                                                             I just hope the writing quality can match my expectations.

GoGo:Its not, our hero(villain) is pretty much asexual and not interested in such matters. He considers himself above those basic instincts of validation and need to belong somewhere, he likes watching others develop relationships, but he is never interested in it himself. He even knows what love is and how it works. But he genuinely can't feel it. It's why he doesn't bother with it. A born psychopath with a severe case of OCD.

still waiting for this novel in novel fire net


Enjoy the novel any way you can. However, do support my writing if possible on your end.

MonstruoDormido:still waiting for this novel in novel fire net

is your goal with this character to basically craft a final boss? or is he just an antihero?

GoGo:Its not, our hero(villain) is pretty much asexual and not interested in such matters. He considers himself above those basic instincts of validation and need to belong somewhere, he likes watching others develop relationships, but he is never interested in it himself. He even knows what love is and how it works. But he genuinely can't feel it. It's why he doesn't bother with it. A born psychopath with a severe case of OCD.

Final Boss, never an anti-hero. Don't believe any justification he gives.

Michael_Mitchel:is your goal with this character to basically craft a final boss? or is he just an antihero?