
Review Detail of bunnyrabbit in

Détail de l’examen


Writing Quality: It was written in a first-person perspective which was my favorite as it creates an intimate (closeness?) to the character. Though what I didn't like about this style of narration is that it can easily become an unreliable narration because everything was filtered through the lens of the said character. (Says the person who's currently writing in first-person.) And although I saw some punctuation and capitalization errors, especially in the first line, I will still give it five stars in hopes that author-san will improve. Stability of Updates: So far so good. Story development: I haven't gone that far yet but it has a good start I would say. Character Design: Cool! The protag was supposed to be very smart but has a very low eq. An interesting trope. I hope it doesn't fall into a cliche category in the future. World Background: As far as I've read, it was set in our world. So I guess that would help me visualize things more easily, I think. [Keep it up, Author! And keep improving.]

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Thanks a lot I’ll do my best