
Review Detail of Arathes in The Vengeance Hours

Détail de l’examen


This is a very unique story, very unique prose and storyline, but not in a bad way. For the most part, everything flows well, wording and grammar is good. Character interactions, dialogue and development is well written and feel good to read. But it feels like this story lacks the traditional order of ops, and the buildup climax resolution refresh that people usually read novels for, maybe because the author is dragging it out? Or maybe it is hard to recognise because of the uniqueness of this prose? I don't know why, but if you agree, perhaps this is an area of improvement, author. But other than that, I have no complaints. Nice story, author!

The Vengeance Hours


Aimé par 1 personnes




Hi! Thank you for the review. For the climax, you're right, maybe because I don't think it's the right time. Thanks for mentioning that, I'll try fixing it. Thank youu