
Review Detail of XxErnestoxX in Primordial Vampire God System

Détail de l’examen


Unlike your first book this mc is really not great. Naive Stupid prideful The story is interesting but very slow. The pov change so early in the story to show other characters is very bad in my opinion because I think side characters and mobs shouldn’t get so much screen time. The whole nationalsm like fanatics of the vampire race is also very annoying and I feel good that they lost because of how they act.

Primordial Vampire God System


Aimé par 6 personnes




hm hm, i already warned you guys in the synopsis, this is completely opposite of my other book. mc is naive, prideful, i agree. as for pov changes, welp, it's a war between other races, since when does the schemer gain most of the screen time? they are in shadows for a reason. last point about how they act, what did you expect? they would be perfect warriors with perfect mindset after being slaves? i mean, c'mon.


The pov change was in my opinion to early in the story where mc is just starting his journey. The last point was not about the slaves but the vampires in the past. I mean that they deserved it with how they acted. I mean the king even knew that they will be betrayed but still didnt do anything except hoping for it to be magically fixed in the future.

SleepDeprivedSloth:hm hm, i already warned you guys in the synopsis, this is completely opposite of my other book. mc is naive, prideful, i agree. as for pov changes, welp, it's a war between other races, since when does the schemer gain most of the screen time? they are in shadows for a reason. last point about how they act, what did you expect? they would be perfect warriors with perfect mindset after being slaves? i mean, c'mon.

hmm hmm. you know, you are the first person to raise that point. good good. i wondered why that point wasn't raised yet. well, don't worry, since i did it, of course i have something in my mind. ahem ahem. no spoilers. though i will admit about pov switches, i should have taken things a little more slow here. hm hm, i rushed too much. well, the next arch is all about mc though, he will finally get to Ithania's level of intelligence by the end of vol 3. hm hm. thank you for your review.

XxErnestoxX:The pov change was in my opinion to early in the story where mc is just starting his journey. The last point was not about the slaves but the vampires in the past. I mean that they deserved it with how they acted. I mean the king even knew that they will be betrayed but still didnt do anything except hoping for it to be magically fixed in the future.