
Review Detail of Mimi_imiM in Primordial Vampire God System

Détail de l’examen


Hello, this is my first ever review (on a book and in English) so please ignore any errors I might make. First of all, I’d like to address how well the author describes the world, its people and their actions, which makes it easy for the reader to create a picture in their mind and follow along. It’s quite impressive how well and plausible some of the characters, their actions and their changes are explained and portrayed. There are rarely questions left as to why or how a they do something or how they changed to what they are now. The story progresses very smoothly while not being too slow nor too fast and always explaining enough but not going to much into detail, which makes this book quite fun to read. Sometimes, there are smaller spelling or grammatical errors but they don’t influence the overall quality of the work. Thank you dear author for sharing this amazing story, I enjoyed reading it so far (chapter 45). Please keep up the awesome work. [img=recommend]

Primordial Vampire God System


Aimé par 4 personnes




I loved your review. Thank you