
Review Detail of TianGuez in Teen Mage in Teen Wolf

Détail de l’examen


Well, I almost never do synopses but this fanfic has earned it. Grammar: It is one of the few times I see a work with a characteristic stamp of the author, you can see a clear style that is maintained during the chapters. Although I have to clarify that I read several chapters with a translator (There's nothing like reading in your native language) 5/5 Updates: I can't say much, but it appears that he has published 33 caps continuously for 15 days, so I will rate this section well, 5/5. Story development: It's great that you have chosen a character that was not reincarnated because it makes you flow with the story and puts a more realistic parameters for the MC to act, not every MC likes to save a person just because it's a character from a series he saw in his past life. About the parameters, you respect them in a great way during the chapters the MC detaches himself from the school characters in a natural way for the reason that he is going to leave. Although I have to point out that some interactions are pretty forced like telling Lydia to act like her real self when she's barely known her for 4 days, taking this conversation specifically but there are quite a few examples between Myr and Lydia's conversations. Character Design: About Myr, I've read quite a few criticisms that pointed him out as the typical weak Nerd that can't do anything, I disagree in a big way with this typecasting of Myr, it is true that he is quite weak physically speaking, but all that hides a brave MC, intelligent and a person with a big heart with his close ones, but a vengeful and spiteful person with the people that hurt him and quite vicious when doing his revenge. Although he is intelligent he is not the typical ff know-it-all, this character learns during the chapters as with Hannah's situation, although yes, he fails a few times when dealing with Jackson, I still think why Myr didn't ruin his life by getting the recordings of the beating, although it is true that it brought him more benefits than disadvantages to use Jackson. 4/5 world design: This FF is based on the TV series Teen wolf, a series that I personally followed until the fifth or sixth season 5 years ago, so I do not remember much of the general context of the series, all that did not prevent me from enjoying the mysterious world of Teen wolf again, the author poses the world of this series as if it were a completely new world and we are raising the necessary information in advance without presuming that all who read the FF know everything about Teen wolf 5/5

Teen Mage in Teen Wolf


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thank you for the genuine review This has made my day (Glad you are reading it the way you enjoy it, I hope things don’t get mixed up too much in translation)