
Review Detail of Bjorn_Stormwave in Deleted1204

Détail de l’examen


What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is. What a disgusting story. Can't believe how perverted and gross this is.



Aimé par 2 personnes




Do you know how to read & write besides these two sentences? *Pathetic Roadside Filthy Trash*


when I see something like this no

BloodPunisher:Do you know how to read & write besides these two sentences? *Pathetic Roadside Filthy Trash*

Did you even read the story? You guys only know how to spam. .. Sigh. .. Such a childish brat. .. .. .. .

Bjorn_Stormwave:when I see something like this no

I don't know how did you infer that I prefer women to do dishes with my sentences. .. Either you are pure dumb teen who hasn't even grown hairs yet or you are someone with a dumb imagination .. .. I'm really worried where the new generation is going with their tiny brain 🧠 capacity just like yours.

Bjorn_Stormwave:when I see something like this no

Also, There's nothing like degenerating women in this story as you have accused from your words and also mind you that this is a fictional story and not real life so you should stop implementing real life morals on this story.

Bjorn_Stormwave:when I see something like this no

Child, If this world worked according to this logic of yours, then this world would've been devoid of researchers, philosophers and historians. .. .. Also, What's wrong with One-Night Stand? It happens in real life too and people are happy and satisfied with it. Adult world doesn't works like this kid. You haven't even read this story and just reviewed this 1-star by seeing the tags and this shows me that arguing further with you will be futile just like how your brain stopped working due to your low IQ. Also, if you think that your reasoning is correct then why are you deleting your comments.. .. Scared that you're wrong? Foolish Kid. .. .

Bjorn_Stormwave:when I see something like this no

😂 😂 If it was really disgusting ,then you wouldn't have been born. 😂 😂 😂

Bjorn_Stormwave:when I see something like this no