
Review Detail of Elizabeth_Chalupka_2177 in Innocent, and All Kinds of Bad

Détail de l’examen


Amazing! Curious as to when the updates are going to be. But, the author does a great job with transitioning chapters. Congratulations on an amazing book thus far. Can't wait to read some more! P.S - Once you get into the actual storyline, be sure to give us A LOT of these chapters. As a reader, it was amazing and very helpful.

Innocent, and All Kinds of Bad


Aimé par 1 personnes




Updates are going to be every Monday for sure. Considering I am not a paid author, I am to required to release a new chapter daily so I am going to stockpile write during the week. You can for sure expect one chapter if not two on Mondays around 8-9am EST time. However I am hoping to go paid and if that happens I'll let you know (plus it'll look different.) If that happens, then you'll have a chapter a day. Thank you so much for the review you have no clue how much it means!