
Review Detail of Cartheon in Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Détail de l’examen


Honestly I've never been much of a fan of multi-verse stories. Mostly because they seem to just be lazy self-inserts with ridiculously OP main characters. I honestly was just going to skip over this story due to this bias but I'm happy I didn't. Well done author-san! This story is way too high quality for webnovel and I'm honestly shocked that I found it here. [img=recommend] I don't really have much more to say honestly your level of writing is far above mine so I can't really find any criticisms. If there would be a criticism it's that I'm sad I almost went right past this novel without trying it. Maybe try a new synopsis? I feel like the one that you have is a little short and doesn't really capture what makes this story such a thrilling ride! Anyways ilu thanks for writing this! :)

Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower


Aimé par 3 personnes




I agree with u, with last part I skipped this FF many time while looking for something to read. He really need to change it since it gives the first puch for the readers to start, and this one lacks that factor