
Review Detail of ChildishSin in Hela The Goddess of Death

Détail de l’examen


Good job just a bit of OOC but that's to be expected since one of the major plot characters personality is different and is affecting canon. So don't expect a lot of characters being the same. The pace of the story is pretty good to not too fast that you get confused, not too slow that you get bored. But the dialogues are very confusing as the author uses (-) to indicate if a character is talking not(" ").

Hela The Goddess of Death


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thank you. Ah, right. - VS “” Okay, I see a point here and I actually need to switch to “”. The style that I use is actually something that I used to see in my first language. (Russian if you interested) So, for some unknown to me reason, I started to use that style, instead to style common known for English native ppl. Sorry about that.