
Review Detail of kennykangaroo2 in Shadow Slave

Détail de l’examen


The novel wastes a lot time padding out its quite short chapters filled with introspection followed by even more introspection that you lose absolutely nothing from skimming each chapter. So bad you'll think to yourself "jesus christ, just shut up and get on with it", as we don't need an inner debate or moral quandary every chapter or every other chapter. With such padded chapters this novel is the type you should only binge read after a few hundred chapters have shortly built up and needless to say you're a fo-ol if you drop a single cent on this novel.

Shadow Slave


Aimé par 11 personnes




hello mr Kenny I live the way you leave honest reviews without filters, could you please check out my work "IF HELL WAS COLD?"


The introspection is called world building and this author does it brilliantly. Just because you want to cut to the action scenes for your own satisfaction, doesn’t mean that would make the overall story better.


Nah, the guy is right. It's called wordcount/filler chapters, the author has limited ideas so that's why trying to milk out chapters and keep the novel alive and long. Problem is, his novel is no One Piece that means spending a cent on this is a waste.

Matcha_Angel:The introspection is called world building and this author does it brilliantly. Just because you want to cut to the action scenes for your own satisfaction, doesn’t mean that would make the overall story better.

I disagree. When read as a whole, the introspection and time G3 spends on world building complements the action very well. It’s just difficult since like you said, the chapters are short and the intense cliffhangers are unnecessary. But G3 also posts 2 chapters a day, which is a difficult cadence to maintain for so long. IMO this novel is worth every penny, but buffering certainly does help with the continuity of the story.


I disagree with you ,the introspection helps the readers to understand and relate to the characters in the novel, I don't like reading stuff that just jump straight into the action,I need to know what's going on in the character's head , if I didn't want introspection I'd be watching a movie instead of reading a book .....The introspection is very much necessary .


nu uh 🙉


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Looking over the latest non-privileged Chapter 1290, it's just over 1200 words long and can be summarized with two bullets points -Sunless checks the 3 enchantments for his new legacy memory. Author spends about 950/1200 words just typing paragraphs about all the different applications of it. -Sunless begins contemplating the 4th step of his Aspect Legacy, end of chapter. Those points could 100% been typed out in a more concise manner in all but 4 paragraphs with no more than 500 words. His manner of uploading is effectively him dividing up a good, concise, meaningful, and well-paced chapter into several parts, which then each have their word count ballooned up to the minimum wordcount threshold in order to feed it to the reader piecemeal style. The author does it this way because Webnovel incentivizes daily uploads which are detrimental to the quality of the chapters released like the saying "needs a little more time in the oven". Like jeez, will Webnovel stay in their lane and stop corrupting novels that used to have good pacing and meaningful chapters once upon a time. Same thing going on with Mech Touch, Supreme Magus, among others, as ain't no way a novel needs more than 1500 chapters (the norm in the past for webnovels to tell a complete story.

Matcha_Angel:The introspection is called world building and this author does it brilliantly. Just because you want to cut to the action scenes for your own satisfaction, doesn’t mean that would make the overall story better.