
Review Detail of iiweivwvvdner3br2i in Marvel's God of wrath

Détail de l’examen


I expected this book to have a lot of potential but your wasting. 1 the pacing is too fast, 2 your characterssss what happened to them, sure you tried to build on them but thats clearly not working out you didnt even give a backstory on asuras entire life in marvel you just skipped ahead like that also you didnt explain the world clearly and give us the readers enough info on what was happening..... My final verdict is that: 1) Your writing quality is bad from a story standpoint(your rushing things too much), im pretty sure your grammar is a mid to low rating. 2) Your world background is bad. 3)The story development is rushed and not planned at all it shows in your writing. If you planned everything out correctly and not just winged it like you did it would be much better. 4)Your chose marvel as your world use it! Try to give us more details, you don't need to rush it soo much. I was on the 9th? chapter(the avengers vs xmen chapter) stopped cuz it became annoying to read its just asura getting angry half of the time. Ps. I'm not tryign to discourage you from writing author im just rying to give constructive criticism so your future books would be much better; wouldn't mind reading this book again if you improve upon it or your other future books.

Marvel's God of wrath


Aimé par 8 personnes




Absolutely. I wish you the best as well my friend.


We Welcome all forms of criticism, as there is no way to grow without failing a little. Thank you for your time.


Same to you

Thomas_Hodge:Absolutely. I wish you the best as well my friend.