
Review Detail of Goblyn5646 in Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

Détail de l’examen


This might get long as I want to give a proper review for the trial period (first 40 chapters) tldr: The book is very interesting and good. Some parts are slow but this isnt an action novel. Long part: Started reading when the book had around 20 chapters. The author seems to have released chapters in batches of five so you might not get daily updates, but will get a few chapters at a time. Translation seems quite good for now, definitely not a machine translation. Each small story arc so far is 10 to 15 chapters but seems to be increasing, so it doesn't seem to slow or fast. World building is really good as most of the story is building up to the funerals, so you can understand the person who is going to die more in depth, and get more backstory to all the characters. The book could have the MC in it more to get more of his character, but it is pretty good otherwise, and adding more MC sceens might not be for the best. Writing makes sense and overall it's quite good. Overall i would probably put this book at 4.5 to 5 stars.

Pay 99 Yuan: Arranging A Mysterious Funeral For You

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