
Review Detail of AnAngryKoala in In Danmachi with a Template system

Détail de l’examen


This fanfic is okay but that's about it. It does have some good ideas like the template system but there are some pretty debateable choices in there such as Natsu, who as far as I know, is really, really strong like with his current 25% merge he shouldn't have a problem taking on almost all adventurers. The interactions feel forced and like its not people talking but 2 machines. The constant interactions with the Asteria Familia feel forced too all the way from their meeting to ch14 and when they as him to come to the hostess he knows Freya might be there so he refuses but instantly folds when they ask him again putting his life at risk without even joining a Familia. This fanfic could be really fun to read as there aren't enough danmachi fanfics but it needs work.

In Danmachi with a Template system


Aimé par 1 personnes

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