
Review Detail of The_Bip_Boop2003 in The Mortal God of Olympus

Détail de l’examen


The story as a nice premise with everything needed, mc with intersting character (antihero, learn from mistakes and smart). The mc is an hybrid of three races god/devil/angel and with a heavily nerfed gamer system so everyone would expect a somewhat powerful mc but it isn't the case since compared to other we can see how weak he is but it's explained with the "mortal soul" the mc has and it's okay since he grow powerfull extremely fast compared to his peers. Here the major turnoff of this fanfic not the power system wich is ok even if the idea of exponencial stat from tier to tier isn't the best since 100 point in agility for a tier 2 is like 500 to a tier 0 stats like can't be translated well ( Tier 0 : normal human, tier 9 : super devil, tier 10 elder god and above maybe Ophis, Great Red and Tryhexa) but the powerlevel of the characters doesn't make sense or follow a total different route of the canon. For exemple Zeus is Tier 10 but the strongests in Heaven are tier 7 (since the system know aparently what highest tier any race as reach) even weaker than Dyonisos the god of WINE seriously WINE since is he is tier 8 in god form, also Sirzech and Ajuka are at the same tier as Hera but the worst and most infuriating is the demigod at the camp since praticly all of them are born at tier 4 so when the mc arrive and had work/trained plus farmed xp is tier 3 don't forget he is a hybrid of three realy strong race but no his sister who done nothing her whole life is tier 5 and had biger stats like what. Sorry for gramar mistake since I'm french.

The Mortal God of Olympus


Aimé par 28 personnes




yea thanks for the information not gonna read now cuz that power ranking is bs


hmm, you know that this fic revolves around Greek faction right? and no offense to heaven and its angles, but they weren't truly strong in dxd universe either, and if you aren't reading it, then let me tell you, Mc is a true God tier and his raw power is equal to that of big 3, yeah he isn't weak as you describe him to be. as for the tier, demigods are born with higher tier, but they can't increase it, they are trapped in it, of course if they become a God it will increase but, in exchange of power early on, they are weak in long run, so Mc is pretty much a high level God at this point and all those demigods are just puny mortals at this point.


Didn't you see how old is the review? It's factual, at least when I wrote it.

Leylin_Farlier99:hmm, you know that this fic revolves around Greek faction right? and no offense to heaven and its angles, but they weren't truly strong in dxd universe either, and if you aren't reading it, then let me tell you, Mc is a true God tier and his raw power is equal to that of big 3, yeah he isn't weak as you describe him to be. as for the tier, demigods are born with higher tier, but they can't increase it, they are trapped in it, of course if they become a God it will increase but, in exchange of power early on, they are weak in long run, so Mc is pretty much a high level God at this point and all those demigods are just puny mortals at this point.

yeah, but I was bored as f so I replied it.

The_Bip_Boop2003:Didn't you see how old is the review? It's factual, at least when I wrote it.

Leylin_Farlier99:yeah, but I was bored as f so I replied it.