
Review Detail of SalmonSensei in Marvel: Mortal Ascension

Détail de l’examen


Author, u have previously said that he would use science to cultivate, making for a unique system. Maybe a bit like Su Chen in DTOPB. I was very excited by this story because of that, but it seems he's all but forgotten he has a doctorate. Now it's just plain ol cultivation, and nothing much special about it either. I thought he'd use technology to elevate and make the most of the human body, but the only stuff science wise is the cure for dementia. It's not even related. There's so much u could have done, like inducing black holes in his pressure point/chacras/whatever, to suck in chi faster. Use biotech to have space energy infused in his cells to have more room for chi. Ect. ect... Like this his strength would be more his own, and not something just anyone could do. Sorry for ranting. Hope u mix things up a little in the later realms. Keep up the good work.

Marvel: Mortal Ascension


Aimé par 2 personnes




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