
Review Detail of Spelloyal in How do I stop being a fish.

Détail de l’examen


A very well written fanfic that had a great start. It's worth mentioning that the first world is original so it hasn't become a fanfic yet, but to be honest I don't really care if such an interesting story is a fanfic or not. The release schedule is a little slow, so this might turn off more impatient readers. But even so I recommend giving the fanfic a chance, I'm sure the story will hook new readers easily as long as they give it a chance. Good job writing this author-san, please take your time to write the chapters. As long as it maintains that quality and the story remains interesting, I don't mind following it for a few years until it comes to an end. At most I will accumulate a few chapters from time to time.

How do I stop being a fish.


Aimé par 1 personnes




Ah well, slow is a nice way to put it… personally I’d say its ridiculously incosistent… Well, thanks for the review. I’ll try to fix the upload schedule and stop procastanating… :)


It might be a good idea to write more and stock up on a few chapters whenever you're motivated, so when you're not you can relax without worrying too much.

Dead_Hekate:Ah well, slow is a nice way to put it… personally I’d say its ridiculously incosistent… Well, thanks for the review. I’ll try to fix the upload schedule and stop procastanating… :)

Although a lot of people do this and its a pretty good idea… I’ve tried to do this before and I couldn’t write more than three chapters before deleting everything because i was dissatisfied. Long story short, I prefer to write my chaps right before uploading so I wont think too much about it and redo the chaps.

Spelloyal:It might be a good idea to write more and stock up on a few chapters whenever you're motivated, so when you're not you can relax without worrying too much.