
Review Detail of TGIFridays in After Death: Adventure in the Apocalypse

Détail de l’examen


I'm just gonna put a review here as a self-serving author. I hope you enjoy the book! This, at the time of writing, has like 2 chapters but if I actually manage to write a decent amount I assure you, it's good stuff. Trust me. This is just meant to be a fun adventure through a suitably fantastic setting with an MC who has no idea what is happening (like, at all) and is trying to make sense of a place completely alien to him. He's a regular guy, stuck in the unbelievable with no help whatsoever, and is trying to find answers. Expect some action, but no OP shenanigans or face-slapping stuff. He's looking for answers to some pretty big questions like, "Why has the world ended?!" and "How do I avoid getting eaten by this giant spider?!" kinda questions, and not to take vengeance on those who've wronged him or to make a harem (kinda hard to do NSFW stuff when you're legally dead and barely functional). Again, this is if I actually WRITE this whole thing, but hey, let's hope for the best, yeah? Anyway, 5 STARS! BEST NOVEL EVER! etc.

After Death: Adventure in the Apocalypse


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