
Review Detail of TheArcher7 in I Picked Up An Attribute

Détail de l’examen


Unfortunately, the story feels forcibly rushed. It has compacted many details to save on drawings. Adding few more panels in certain places could have helped the story feel more complete. I also assume the low translation quality is to blame for some confusion. I had to read ch 1-8 twice to write the following: The MC is OP with his inexplicable talent. He is also a hard-working game addict, meaning he is passionate about completing quests and getting stronger all on his own. However, he is also a little perverted when it comes to women and definitely not shy about it. Thankfully, this isn't his primary motivation. The drawing quality itself is A- However, the lack of panels detracts from the coherency of action scenes and character scenes alike.

I Picked Up An Attribute

Ci Wei Mao

Aimé par 9 personnes




Yes I agree, I like the drawing style and the story itself, but yes a few more panels and a good translation would help eliminate the confusion.