
Review Detail of OSNOF in Loki’s Successor System

Détail de l’examen


This review will be updated as I progress through the Novel. So far I don’t have any complaints. The system trope is a little cliche here on WN, So I hope SkyStrider does it well. I FELL IN LOVE with the world thIs story’s taking place in. Also, the MC was crippled, yo don’t see that quiTe often, don’t you? I like a lot of things about this novel so far. The dialogue is dynmatic, and quite enjoyable. The mc is interesting. The world is fun. The grammar is perfect. 2 chpqters a day is great. *There is one minor thing I don’t really like about the novel but I won’t rant until the novel has over 150 chapters. Review will update

Loki’s Successor System


Aimé par 20 personnes




If you want to know if to continue reading. Yes definitely. Just hang in there.

The_Old_One:Any updates?

Any updates?


Actually, yeah. I do. For the official thing, wait until the novel reaches 150 chapters. I’ve only just finsihed catching up today. But what I’ll tell you is: the novel is great. But I can’t say the same thing for the beginning of the story. The first 7 chapters tend to make you not feel like reading. When the author went on 2 weeks of break; I reread the entire novel, (from chapter 1 to 67) just for the experience. I always reread manga and stuff, so I figured I’d do so for this. Upon reading the first 7 chapters, I gotta admit, I felt burnt out to my core. Everything about it felt too much for my brain to process. After getting past the first 22 chapters in one day, I felt at ease. And the more I read; the more at ease I felt. The author keeps getting better and better while getting Even simpler. Takeaway: It’s a great novel. It’s golden period of greatness is from chapter 50 to the current one. If you can get past the first 22 chapters, you’ll be fine. There are less info dumps, and better character dev. Official review is upcoming. There is some ranting I need to do. I won’t start now though.

The_Old_One:Any updates?


OSNOF:Actually, yeah. I do. For the official thing, wait until the novel reaches 150 chapters. I’ve only just finsihed catching up today. But what I’ll tell you is: the novel is great. But I can’t say the same thing for the beginning of the story. The first 7 chapters tend to make you not feel like reading. When the author went on 2 weeks of break; I reread the entire novel, (from chapter 1 to 67) just for the experience. I always reread manga and stuff, so I figured I’d do so for this. Upon reading the first 7 chapters, I gotta admit, I felt burnt out to my core. Everything about it felt too much for my brain to process. After getting past the first 22 chapters in one day, I felt at ease. And the more I read; the more at ease I felt. The author keeps getting better and better while getting Even simpler. Takeaway: It’s a great novel. It’s golden period of greatness is from chapter 50 to the current one. If you can get past the first 22 chapters, you’ll be fine. There are less info dumps, and better character dev. Official review is upcoming. There is some ranting I need to do. I won’t start now though.

Official Review?

OSNOF:If you want to know if to continue reading. Yes definitely. Just hang in there.

i hope there isn't any

