
Review Detail of JewelQueen_001 in The Golden Throne

Détail de l’examen


I don't know why everyone is giving this 5 stars. The beginning of the book is not believable: You gave 10yrs of hard work, then for an unexplained reason you sign a document willingly that makes you give it all up(amount not mentioned, but can fit in a briefcase...cause that won't be stolen), then leave to get drunk right across the street KNOWING someone is out to kill you because of secrets you found. Who would do that? Then there is the updates, there are literally months between released chapters, and I kid you not, the chapters are less than 5 pages! After about 60 chapters you have to start paying and it's 9 coins to unlock....I leave it to you to read or not, but I am unmotivated in so many ways to try.

The Golden Throne


Aimé par 3 personnes




Bottom line. Your review is there for the readers and that's what is important. Let's keep it like this - You think the updates are inconsistent. But I have noticed that it has drastically improved so something must have happened to the author as he wasn't able to update. Author can't set prices so nothing about that front. And the starting chapter in my opinion is the least interesting point. I have yet to see someone spend a lot of time for a good transition from past life to new life. Also, 9 coins for 3 pages is actually 9 coins for set number of words. More words means pricier chapters. Anyways, the fact that you reviewed is appreciated by the author since he gets criticism. He just didn't like the comment about the price probably because he gets very little out of the 9 coins you actually paid.

JewelQueen_001:I understand that people need payed, but I also think that others should be warned if something is expensive, but not worth the money. I am warning others just like you would review a restaurant. If you read my last sentence from my first review you would see that I leave it to the reader to decide. I never said the Author should not be paid, so I don't understand why I can't give an opinion about this. I don't like this book and these are the reasons. If you like the book, then give a good review...I still stand on my opinion that 9 coins is too much for 3 pages after waiting 2 months. Whether it is the Author or Webnovel that did that, I could care less, it is just an OPINION. No one really needs to listen to me, but I am allowed to speak guys....

it's called fiction man... It doesn't need to be believable. This is my first novel that I am writing, so there are bound to be shortcomings. And as for the coins, you have no right to criticize any author, not just me. All authors have the right to monetize their work, and thinking that they should sacrifice they time for free is not correct.


The author thinks I "have no right to criticize," so obviously the author also cannot take constructive criticism and to grow as a writer and thinks everyone must love it. Also I have a right to share my opinion whether it is right or wrong and this is my opinion as a reader. Yes this is not a real story, but did the author try to build a desire to WANT me to read more? As an author that is the main point and your readers thoughts should matter to you so you can improve your stories to get a larger reader base. If you don't care what your readers think unless they say only good things, you will never grow. You only solidified my opinion to never want to read what you write.


The author said you have no right to criticize is about the coins because you obviously have no right to criticize an author who is trying to earn some money with their work. If you don't like the work give criticism but you have no right to tell them not to put their work behind a paywall. Also the author do not set the price, the webnovel has an automated system that puts the price based on the size of the chapter. You can obviously make some constructive criticism as a reader but before you do know your stuff.


I understand that people need payed, but I also think that others should be warned if something is expensive, but not worth the money. I am warning others just like you would review a restaurant. If you read my last sentence from my first review you would see that I leave it to the reader to decide. I never said the Author should not be paid, so I don't understand why I can't give an opinion about this. I don't like this book and these are the reasons. If you like the book, then give a good review...I still stand on my opinion that 9 coins is too much for 3 pages after waiting 2 months. Whether it is the Author or Webnovel that did that, I could care less, it is just an OPINION. No one really needs to listen to me, but I am allowed to speak guys....


Just because its fiction doesn't mean you throw all common sense and rationality out of the door. Everyone has the right to criticize the works they have read. As for the coins, you're not wrong but its frowned upon for authors to demand more money than their works are worth. You aren't gonna see a flash game sold for triple A prizes are you now?

jdbeue:it's called fiction man... It doesn't need to be believable. This is my first novel that I am writing, so there are bound to be shortcomings. And as for the coins, you have no right to criticize any author, not just me. All authors have the right to monetize their work, and thinking that they should sacrifice they time for free is not correct.