
Review Detail of Ahzek in The Hunter's Mark

Détail de l’examen


So, what do we have here. A decent novel to read actually. I'm really sorry for a long one, but it still will not cover everything. There are just too many aspects and webnovel cuts the ending already. So, I apologise. Pros: 1. The magic implementation. This is a point that many fantasy stories fail at, but not this one. Magic is addition to sciences like physics, biology and chemistry, so it also has rules that must work and not be omitted just because someone is awesome. In this story they are not just followed (which already is a shocker considering what kind of novels is thrown at the platforms these days), but explained in the story. By explained I mean that it is implemented in a way that it does not look like it's a brochure of a fifth addition of rules for an RPG game for readers. The way the magic works is described between characters in a way that you believe in, like commentators on the tournament (they have to understand what is happening) or when more potent ones explain to young mages some of their tricks. So, you don't feel overwhelmed by all this and slowly pick up the pace with the characters that helps synergizing with the story. 2. Magic variety and world building. You all probably saw "fantasies" with so called knights that can use basic magic like auras, but for some reason it's not called mage or some priests that use powers from some creatures and are not considered mages without explaining why. Well, we all know why, otherwise non-mages are useless and this is used to "balance". Well, this is one of the worst ways to do that, one good example is to make magic have consequences (Witcher/Warhammer) or make it difficult to use, so that you need a lot of training and go through a lot to be able to at least achieve something (Warhammer 40K/Star wars) or make it really uncommon thing for humans as something supernatural (LOTR/ Star wars). As you see there are a lot of cases and the one with so-called skinny knights in plate is just no-brainer example of a bad world writing. But about this later. So, how did the author solve the problem of mage dominance? The answer is simple, but not bad in the same time. Everyone in this world has magic power. And that is also the main reason why the MC named Malcolm is the person that we see in the novel, Still, the system is not bland, because mages have different specializations that use mana in their bodies differently. For example, you have materializers that can create objects with their mana or mages that can use a contracted spirit or ones that can chant spells to use elemental powers and these are not all. Another great find is that such a world in constant fighting with monsters, creatures from ruins, worshippers and other dangerous issues is technically ruled by the most powerful mages that can bring hell on earth and not some powerless guys *khm* Legend of the sword *khm*. This is world suffered many apocalypses and the strong mages are the protectors in the eyes of the common people, their shield. And they have to be in place since the 4 prime evils known as horsemen (that are built good so far, they have no human motives just pure destruction with no remorse or selfish reasons. If the antagonist is not a morally grey, but a really ancient being beyond comprehension then it should not have human motives like so-known 'demon-kings' in Japanese novels) exist in this world. I would say more about apocalypses and ancient civilisations, but it would contain spoilers. 3. Good character design. When was the last time you doubted that MC can defeat an enemy? Yeah, not a pleasant to think about it, right? We already start to assume that MC gets all he want, can solo defeat any guy, get all the girls just because he is the MC, and of course he never loses. Well, this is a reminder that nothing comes free and you have to fight for it. The novel shows the importance of having connections to get the opportunity to achieve something (Example: Malcolm got the opportunity to earn his position as a Flawed only because he was not a stranger to Mabel that connected him with the right virtue and his squad), the necessity of willpower, determination and understanding the importance of losses (Example: if Skyler didn't get over after battle with Malcolm and get herself together she would still be in illusion of her pride. Sometimes we need to taste a defeat to find our way out when we are stuck in stagnation). 4. The way the story progresses. It's like a flow of a river with some plains that it slows down followed by cliffs to accelerate the pace. Characters grow in power and as persons and their growth is explained, by training (Example: you can't improve mana capacity, but why not improve the efficiency?), equipment (... It had a high price ... and it wasn't me who paid it ...), defeats (Why can't I win? What did I do wrong?) and effort that they put into their improvement. Cons: 1. Typos. I assume that author is not an English-speaking person, since some spelling and wrong word issues happen from time to time. In some cases it disturbs enough to stop... how can I say it... feeling yourself in the story. That is why I put 3 on "Writting quality". 2. Unexplained artefacts from ancient civilisations. Why do they scale with age? Why they could be done before and can't be done now? Etc. There are many questions that are left unanswered, but the novel is also not finished.

The Hunter's Mark


Aimé par 1 personnes




Dude, thank you so much for the review. I really really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. Er, regarding the cons... For the first con well no much to do. But I do try my best... Can't afford an editor yet hahaha. Will pay attention to it more still. But for the second it will be explained in the story why the treasure are especial and can't be done any more. Hope you continue liking the story!


Didn't expect an answer, like really. GJ on the novel, just don't burn yourself down. I'm not the only one who wants to know what will await Malcom (who regarding his brown skin, hair and behaviour, is like an Italian-based guy, but not those stereotypical "Pizza, pasta, Mario" stereotypes, but the way he behaves with his friends and neighbours, how he looks and etc. Maybe, I'm wrong. I apologise to all Italians in advance, I am just judging from my experience.). Also, don't worry about hiring other people, just correct the mistakes that you or the readers see. It's more than enough.

slevink:Dude, thank you so much for the review. I really really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. Er, regarding the cons... For the first con well no much to do. But I do try my best... Can't afford an editor yet hahaha. Will pay attention to it more still. But for the second it will be explained in the story why the treasure are especial and can't be done any more. Hope you continue liking the story!