
Review Detail of BlaccLotus in You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

Détail de l’examen


I like the story telling and it's very good written. I noticed that the writer seems to be a native English speaker so her writing is great and fresh, as I found little to no grammar mistake. There was detail that made you feel the emotions of characters, including that the characters felt just like real people and the way they talked and communicated was all relatable and interesting. I like female lead, Brinna's character design. The premise is good, intriguing synopsis coupled with good cover and good first chapter is all you need to have to catch the readers attention. If anything and it could be personal, I rated the male lead with one star. His character design and the way he's introduced is a big no for me. First, he seems to be shallow, spoiled and easy person as he wanted to play with women he didn't even meet in person. Second, he's creepy and disrespectful, unprofessional and stalker, he's a CEO of a certain hotel, yet he kept stalking at the women who slept in his hotel through the CCTV, it's unprofessional. I know he's a player but at least he should've a bit of respect and class. Overall it's good reading experience and I see the potential as your writing is really good. Don't mind me about what I thought about the male lead, I just want to point out his character from my viewpoint. Well, good luck.

You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours


Aimé par 3 personnes

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