
Review Detail of PurpleRain in Transmigrating to the 80s to Become Stepmom to Five Bigwigs

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I've read a couple hundred chapters before I lost interest. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun read but it's still an ongoing novel with 400+ chapters which kinda turned me off. (Though the main reason why is mentioned below!) FL transmigrated into the body of a recently widowed woman with 5 young children! 5!! Her in-laws are absolute trash and try to do her dirty on numerous occasions... Children are wary of stepmom cause their dad introduced the FL's cousin (OriFL) as their would-be mom but FL becomes the mom instead. Fear not, she wins them over with her care as an 'older sister/ caretaker' rather than as their mom cause she plans to leave them and live her life once they are stable enough. That plan goes poof when they get attached to each other and protect each other. Kids call her mom too! A bunch of tsunderes those first three boys are. We have three men who start liking her: 1. brother-in-law 2. Cousin's boyfriend/ later finance (OriML of the novel) 3. A man with face blindness who can only see her face which explains his closeness and clingy behavior to her after their first meeting. *Wild card entry- The supposedly dead husband who is in fact alive. He's into some deep trouble because of his work and does not want to bring this back to his family and cause them harm* After FL transmigrates, she tries to stay away from the leads of the novel because she knows everything that'll happen if she follows the original path. Bro-in-law sees her changes and starts falling for her but she thinks that he's also in love with the cousin (OriFL) because in the beginning he was. But his big bro and FL were a couple back then so he never had a chance. (our FL steals the OriFL's man and even gets married to him) Now, bro-in-law stops liking OriFL and likes FL instead but is guilty about his taboo feelings so he never acts on them. The OriML is more aggressive in his chasing after he realizes his feelings for her, causing her more harm than good! The random stranger (Ji guy) falls for her after a few interactions because she's the only face he can see in this world. FL's past in this world is pitiful and the wrongs she faced made her the villainess in the novel but not anymore Everything was fine and the story leans towards her teaching the kids good things to stop them from blackening (as big boss villains with pitiful endings) in the future but what kicked me in the stomach was a spoiler that I read. Read at your risk!!! ML is not the husband (which I was hoping it would be) It's Ji guy according to the spoilers I read. I get that she is his first love and all while the husband was married before and had 4 children with his 1st wife. (5th child is not his biological son) But for some part ( mostly the misleading last line of the synopsis!) that led me to expect that husband will come back to fend off the flies around her and take this rightful place beside her, raising the kids with love! Sadly, the author did not think of it in that way... Well, I can't deny that Ji guy is good to her, has money, and is willing to become the stepdad because she cares for those kids a lot but I just couldn't read anymore after I read that he's the true ML. Sigh... If you can get over that hitch then this is a good read but if not then welp! Time to find a new binge read!

Transmigrating to the 80s to Become Stepmom to Five Bigwigs

Yearly Blossoms

Aimé par 4 personnes




Never said that Ji guy was a bad option for FL. I even mentioned that he treats her well and is working hard to get closer to the kids as well, learning how to be a stepdad too. My problem was that the synopsis led me to believe that the ML would be the Dad and he'll come back to fight for her attentionn and prove himself worthy of FL. If it wasn't said in that way then I wouldn't have been under the impression that the ML is the Dad and he'll fight off the other guys. My expectations of Dad being ML was from the synopsis so after knowing that it's Ji guy, I couldn't continue and that's on me. FL deserves the love and attention that Ji guy is giving her and there is no doubt in that. It's just my personal opinion that made me drop the novel because I was still thinking that there will be a chance that Dad and FL will become a true couple in the end. Whereas Dad not supporting the family financially... He gave most of his salary while he was in the army to his mom and asked her to take care of them. He was under the wrong impression that his children were living a good life with his salary and it is his fault for not checking that properly. But after he went into hiding, he was pretending to be dead to catch criminals so there's no way that he can send them any money without alerting his enemies. He was trying to save them from being harmed.

AngelicAthena:Why always father has to be ML? He did have pretty deep Feelings for his dead wife. what about ML? She has to raise 5 step kids and comprise on her love life? Dad isn’t there to protact kids, FL who is step mom does everything in her power to kids not blacken. Ji guy is supporting her. even if ML was undercover he could have send money to support kids but he didn’t

Why always father has to be ML? He did have pretty deep Feelings for his dead wife. what about ML? She has to raise 5 step kids and comprise on her love life? Dad isn’t there to protact kids, FL who is step mom does everything in her power to kids not blacken. Ji guy is supporting her. even if ML was undercover he could have send money to support kids but he didn’t


Do you mind sharing the raws here? I want to give it a try 🙏


you can just visit "mtl novel" and read there. (No space between the words) The title is the same as this one

trick_or_treat:Do you mind sharing the raws here? I want to give it a try 🙏

Woah it‘s already there?! Wow I really need to check the new novels there ty 👍😘

PurpleRain:you can just visit "mtl novel" and read there. (No space between the words) The title is the same as this one

Spoilers ahead I think that the author has something against Shao Qihai, because he's made so miserable. I really thought that he would become a great husband, but no. Time after time the author separates him from the FL. And he never really gets the chance to become closer as a real couple. Had they slept together early on when he "came back from death", the situation may have been different. But no... They get divorced eventhough he likes her. And he just continues to like her until her death and never marries again...I don't think he deserved this ending. He just wanted to keep his family safe by staying dead, but ended up losing his chance to love. And I'm not saying that Ji was a bad choice for ML, eventhough he felt like second lead. But when this 2nd male lead is going to wed the FL, the author kills him in a very cruel way by sacrificing his life for the FL!!! Then neither Shao Qihai nor the FL are happy. She marries Ji in his funeral day and waits for the next 40 years for her death to be buried alongside him. Then she wakes up after the traffic accident in which she initially died. And finds that Ji was now the doctor who rescued her and only saw her face again eventhough he doesn't have the memories from the book. And her parents were now Ji's parents which meant a happy ending for her.


I Don't Understand Some Part But My Heart And Institution Is Ring Like Crazy Giving Me Some Warnings. I Was Like: I Need Some Spoilers! So I, Hm, Got Here.

LazyPebble:Spoilers ahead I think that the author has something against Shao Qihai, because he's made so miserable. I really thought that he would become a great husband, but no. Time after time the author separates him from the FL. And he never really gets the chance to become closer as a real couple. Had they slept together early on when he "came back from death", the situation may have been different. But no... They get divorced eventhough he likes her. And he just continues to like her until her death and never marries again...I don't think he deserved this ending. He just wanted to keep his family safe by staying dead, but ended up losing his chance to love. And I'm not saying that Ji was a bad choice for ML, eventhough he felt like second lead. But when this 2nd male lead is going to wed the FL, the author kills him in a very cruel way by sacrificing his life for the FL!!! Then neither Shao Qihai nor the FL are happy. She marries Ji in his funeral day and waits for the next 40 years for her death to be buried alongside him. Then she wakes up after the traffic accident in which she initially died. And finds that Ji was now the doctor who rescued her and only saw her face again eventhough he doesn't have the memories from the book. And her parents were now Ji's parents which meant a happy ending for her.

Here's a tip. Most of the Trial reads which appear here with just 40 chapters and left untouched until they are picked up, all of them will be on that site as well...To the latest chapter available! Though they take a week or longer to add the new books there but they'll be there for sure. Even the dropped trial reads will also be there so check it out. So many books which I liked weren't picked and I found them there thankfully.

trick_or_treat:Woah it‘s already there?! Wow I really need to check the new novels there ty 👍😘

Wow! Thanks for sharing! I think I can get over that hitch. 🙂 I wouldn't even mind if there's no ML at all. Haha. I think it's fine with just her and the kids 😁


Somehow I can't find your reply here. But here goes my spoilers again... Shao reconciles with his kids and lives well with them pretty early on. But somehow the kids think of Ji as their second daddy. Especially Xiaowu since Ji is his biological uncle. And the FL stays as their mom for her whole life in the book. Shao's last scene in the novel is that he stands bitterly in front of Ji's and FL's grave and admits he always lost to Ji in his life. Ji died when he and the FL were buried in an earthquake for multiple days. When the Fl started to fade away he bit his own wrist to nurse her with his blood. And then he died due to excessive bleeding before the rescue. The FL never knows his sacrifice because Ji left Shao a note to mutilate his corpse so that she would never know. Basically everybody else knew but she didn't. The happy ever after chapters were short and they didn't get together. But it was pretty obvious they would have a happy ending. There are still some individual character ending chapters coming. But it's pretty much ended.


Thank you for your hard work! I would have cried some tears if I had actually read till the end woah Ji guy turned out to be great!! Shao... I still pity him for everything that he lost in this life. ML(yea, I'm accepting Ji guy as ML now 🤣) and FL got their happy ending in the other world but what about him? He had to watch FL and Ji live happily then after Ji died, he had to watch her living with Ji's memories. sigh, makes me feel so bad for him. I knew that Shao Wu (5th son) wasn't his biological son because Shao's younger sister looks at him with such hateful eyes and the author too repeatedly mentioned how FL thought 5th son and Ji resembled each other. But did they mention what happened between Shao's sister and Ji's dead bro? Did the author show what happens to the other side characters in the story? The OriML and OriFL, and Shao's younger bro who also falls for FL? Also, Ji almost turned FL into vampire by feeding her blood lmao (I mean, I'm sad that he died but 😅🤣)

LazyPebble:Somehow I can't find your reply here. But here goes my spoilers again... Shao reconciles with his kids and lives well with them pretty early on. But somehow the kids think of Ji as their second daddy. Especially Xiaowu since Ji is his biological uncle. And the FL stays as their mom for her whole life in the book. Shao's last scene in the novel is that he stands bitterly in front of Ji's and FL's grave and admits he always lost to Ji in his life. Ji died when he and the FL were buried in an earthquake for multiple days. When the Fl started to fade away he bit his own wrist to nurse her with his blood. And then he died due to excessive bleeding before the rescue. The FL never knows his sacrifice because Ji left Shao a note to mutilate his corpse so that she would never know. Basically everybody else knew but she didn't. The happy ever after chapters were short and they didn't get together. But it was pretty obvious they would have a happy ending. There are still some individual character ending chapters coming. But it's pretty much ended.

Ji's brother was given aphrodisiac so he forced Shao's sister who actually liked Ji (they looked so alike that she later recognized Ji as him). But when he was cleaning up the aftermath, he accidentally died, so she couldn't find the culprit. Shao's sister didn't tell anyone about her pregnancy and gave birth in the school toilet. Ji's family didn't know about her pregnancy. And finally Shao Qihai admitted Xiaowu as his own kid when his sister tried to drown him in a bucket. I don't know what happened to the Original Ml/Fl or the Shao's younger brother. Because I skipped from around 350 chapters to the ending.


Really?! I didn‘t know that thank you for the tip 🫂 I assume that they go by the same title right?

PurpleRain:Here's a tip. Most of the Trial reads which appear here with just 40 chapters and left untouched until they are picked up, all of them will be on that site as well...To the latest chapter available! Though they take a week or longer to add the new books there but they'll be there for sure. Even the dropped trial reads will also be there so check it out. So many books which I liked weren't picked and I found them there thankfully.

Most of them have the same title but if it ever changes, you can still search for the author's name. Even the covers remain same for most of them.

trick_or_treat:Really?! I didn‘t know that thank you for the tip 🫂 I assume that they go by the same title right?

Sad what happened to Shao's sister. Explains why she looked at 5th son with such hatred. Ji's bro.... Yikes! Thankfully Shao found the baby and adopted him. How does Shao's sister react after seeing Ji and FL together? I read in another spoiler somewhere that 5th son sides with birth mom in later chapters and tries to go against FL. Is that true? Once again thank you for the spoilers!

LazyPebble:Ji's brother was given aphrodisiac so he forced Shao's sister who actually liked Ji (they looked so alike that she later recognized Ji as him). But when he was cleaning up the aftermath, he accidentally died, so she couldn't find the culprit. Shao's sister didn't tell anyone about her pregnancy and gave birth in the school toilet. Ji's family didn't know about her pregnancy. And finally Shao Qihai admitted Xiaowu as his own kid when his sister tried to drown him in a bucket. I don't know what happened to the Original Ml/Fl or the Shao's younger brother. Because I skipped from around 350 chapters to the ending.

Ok thanks again 🫂

PurpleRain:Most of them have the same title but if it ever changes, you can still search for the author's name. Even the covers remain same for most of them.

Haha, I went back to reading those chapters that I skipped to find the answers. But no worries, it's actually quite enjoyable to speak about this novel with others. I don't find Shao Qiyun that pitiable. Her idea was to marry a rich man already when she was in the technical school. Ji's brother was counted against and he died before he got to even know that he had fathered a child. I'm sure that Shao Qiyun would have insisted on marrying him or getting big compensation money if he were still alive and in school. When she saw Ji and the FL together. She wanted to marry Ji even if he wasn't the father. I didn't even know about Xiaowu going back to his biomother, so I went to find out. Shao Qiyun had actually fed the FL gu (poison worm), that she was cable to control by using the mother gu in her body. So when the FL started to throw up blood and be weak due to that. Shao Qiyun found Xiaowu and threatened him to go back to her or she would directly kill the FL. So he went and played the white eyed wolf plan to keep Shao Qiyun happy and to not torment the FL with the gu. It was basically so bad that everybody just left him alone with Shao Qiyun because it was so upsetting. His plan was to make Shao Qiyun to commit suicide because that was the only way to kill the mother gu in her body. So he used his music to kill her little by little during the few months. He actually succeeded, but he was already in very bad situation both physically and mentally. So he just collapsed afterwards. When he told his family, everybody forgave him and things went back to how they were. And btw, he was just 8 years old.

PurpleRain:Sad what happened to Shao's sister. Explains why she looked at 5th son with such hatred. Ji's bro.... Yikes! Thankfully Shao found the baby and adopted him. How does Shao's sister react after seeing Ji and FL together? I read in another spoiler somewhere that 5th son sides with birth mom in later chapters and tries to go against FL. Is that true? Once again thank you for the spoilers!

Ohhh Shao Qiyun... Sheesh! She had some big plans in her mind and to use her son in that way is mean! Good thing Ji did not agree with her nonsense. Poor 5th son was misunderstood but glad he got back with them Author made it so that the 5 kids are all brilliant geniuses and their young age doesn't matter at all haha And yeah, it's fun to discuss this with others who have read it.

LazyPebble:Haha, I went back to reading those chapters that I skipped to find the answers. But no worries, it's actually quite enjoyable to speak about this novel with others. I don't find Shao Qiyun that pitiable. Her idea was to marry a rich man already when she was in the technical school. Ji's brother was counted against and he died before he got to even know that he had fathered a child. I'm sure that Shao Qiyun would have insisted on marrying him or getting big compensation money if he were still alive and in school. When she saw Ji and the FL together. She wanted to marry Ji even if he wasn't the father. I didn't even know about Xiaowu going back to his biomother, so I went to find out. Shao Qiyun had actually fed the FL gu (poison worm), that she was cable to control by using the mother gu in her body. So when the FL started to throw up blood and be weak due to that. Shao Qiyun found Xiaowu and threatened him to go back to her or she would directly kill the FL. So he went and played the white eyed wolf plan to keep Shao Qiyun happy and to not torment the FL with the gu. It was basically so bad that everybody just left him alone with Shao Qiyun because it was so upsetting. His plan was to make Shao Qiyun to commit suicide because that was the only way to kill the mother gu in her body. So he used his music to kill her little by little during the few months. He actually succeeded, but he was already in very bad situation both physically and mentally. So he just collapsed afterwards. When he told his family, everybody forgave him and things went back to how they were. And btw, he was just 8 years old.